"I'm not at fault here, Officer"

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Cop and Criminal AU


Note: This is a ship chapter


Ink sat in a dark grey room. He had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He messed up and now the police finally caught him.

He sat there, hands cuffed and a bright light was shined at him. Although being blinded by the light, he could make out the person with him.

It was a skeleton officer, nonetheless. He had black bones and seemed to be glitching immensely. He was wearing the usually police clothes and he had a very pissed expression on. Ink could see that this skeleton was very peculiar for not only was he glitching, his eye sockets were red with a yellow and blue eyelight on one socket and one white eyelight on the other. He also had seemingly glowing blue tear streaks coming down from his sockets down to his chin.

Ink's eyelights flashed a few times before settling into a purple diamond and green oval. "Well, well, looks like you've caught me officer!" He said with sarcastic smirk.

The officer then glared at Ink before heaving a sigh. Ink took the opportunity to mess around with the officer, besides if he's going to jail might as well poke fun at the police. "What?" He asked the police officer who just proceeded to glare.

"I mean, you have to give yourself a pat at the back, officer! It's not everyday you get to catch a wanted criminal like me!" Ink joked, stating his title as a "wanted criminal" proudly.

The officer was getting irritated, but remained silent. "So you're not going to talk to me the-"

"Look, you and I both know we don't want to be here right now." The officer said quickly, his voice glitching with anger. Ink finally made the officer snapped and gave a victorious grin.

"So, then why not do me favor and cooperate for once." The officer hissed at the criminal. "Ok, ok geez." Ink said putting his cuffed hands up as defense.

Heaving a sigh, the officer placed his hand on the table infront of Ink. "So, I think you already know why you're here, Mr. Comyet."

"Actually, officer, I absolutely don't know why I'm here." Ink sated in a matter of fact tone. The officer face palmed. He grabbed what seemed to be a picture of a girl from his pockets and slammed it down the table that made Ink flinch slightly.

"Do you know this girl?" The cop went straight to the point. Ink took a look at the picture and looked back at the officer with his mis-matched eyelights. "Cindy Hemmings." He simply stated. The cop looked surprised at how honest the criminal was, but decided to continue the interrogation.

"So you do know her?" The cop asked. The criminal nodded, his expression completely going blank than the playful one he had before. "She used to be my best friend in high school, but we had to split up because of...reasons.." Ink looked away as he said the last part.

"Then I'm guessing you know about her murder?"

"Yes, but I did not do it, officer." Ink looked at the cop again, his eyelights flashing to two white tiny dots for a second.

"And I can trust you because?"

"Because that would be rather unnecessary for me."

The cop raised a non-existent brow. "What do you mean?"

"I may have killed people before, that's something I can't deny, but I only do it if necessary. Killing Cindy, my high school best friend, would do nothing for me and I have no absolute reason to kill her."

The cop was now confused. This guy was being rather cooperative and answering questions calmly unlike other criminals. He wasn't stubborn, he even admitted to his crimes. But the cop still stood his ground.

"And why should I trust you?"

"Like I said, I would have no reason to kill her. She wasn't a threat to me and she wasn't involved in any of my previous crimes before. On the contrary, we haven't talked to each other ever since high school."

Ink made a few good points. The cop deduced that he wasn't going anywhere if he was going to interrogate the guy even more.

"So you didn't kill her?" He asked. Ink nodded and that was the only assurance the cop needed. He was about to walk away, but the criminal suddenly spoke up.

"But..I do know how to find the one who did kill her." The cop looked back at Ink to see him wearing a sly smile. "I'm listening." At this point, the officer was desperate to get as much information about this killer. He needed to figure out this case.

"If you don't already know, I have quite the history with Cindy and I know a few people who know Cindy personally." Ink stated. "If anything, I would be great asset to you on solving this case."

"I see. There must be a catch, right?"

"Indeed, officer."

Ink held up his cuffed hands and showed it to the cop. "First off, you gotta need to let me go. You need to promise me to get off my tail for our whole partnership." Smirking, the criminal spoke confidently.

Holding up his other hand as if it was going up for a handshake. "I'll tell you more of my conditions later, but right now, all you need to do is shake my hand to seal the deal." He spoke with such certainty.

The cop looked at it for a moment. He was hesitant and he knew he would get in trouble if he associated himself with this criminal, let alone make a deal with him. Then again, he was desperate. All their other clues would just lead to nothing, but trusting this criminal...Well, he might even get more of what he is expecting.

Sighing, the cop walked closer, but did not shake the criminal's hand just yet. "Fine." He stated. With that, he relucantly shook the other's hand. After a good shake, the two finally let go.

"Well, since we're gonna be partners from now on, why not tell me your name? It's only fair since you already know mine." Ink grinned upon asking the question.

The cop uncomfortably looked away but decided to answer the criminal's question.

"Error...Error CQ."

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