"I'm Here"

447 14 3

High School AM (I'm gonna call it AM for now (meaning alternate Multiverse) because reasons and also this AM is about where all the sanses are in High School)




Requested by: ASSPIR56

(Note: This is a ship chapter. May include slight themes of bullying. Proceed with caution)


Why did he gave him another chance?

He should've known by now that he wasn't trustworthy. He was never trustworthy.

Now here he was, watching his ex-boyfriend grinding up another girl. He only used Lust. Of course he did.

Why was he even surprised? It happened before, right? Why were so many tears streaming down his face?

Not wanting to see more, Lust ran. He wasn't quite sure where. He just needed to get out of this place, out of this wretched party that he was forced to go to.

It was hard to squeeze through the crowd of people inside the house. Still, he could feel the gaze of his other schoolmates. He could easily tell what they were thinking.

"What a sl*t.."

"Does he even know how to dress properly?"

"Wow f*gg*t."

"Why was he invited anyway?"


Every single insult. It felt like knives were being thrown at him. He would've drop dead by now.

More tears were streaming out of his face. He shouldn't be here.

Finally, he came to a halt. He was at the frontyard. Heaving sharp breaths, Lust quickly put a hand in his pockets and got out his phone.

He needed a ride, badly.

Upon scrolling through his contacts, his eyes landed on one particular name.


With no second thought, Lust pressed call. After some ringing, Horror picked up.

"Mm...Hello?.." The voice was tired. Who wouldn't be? It was 2 in the morning.

"H-Horror?.." Lust managed mutter. His voice hoarse and tone clearly hurt. He was trying to regulate his breathing. He just needed someone right now.

"Lust?" Horror became more alert and anxious. "Are you crying?"

"I-I.." Taking a sharp breath, Lust continued. "I'm so sorry..to wake you up in this time.." Maybe calling Horror was a bad idea. Maybe he doesn't care.

"It's alright, but are you..okay?" Horror was worried.

"Y-yeah.." Lust sniffled. "I-I'm fine! Haha.." He was truly a burden, was he?

"You don't sound fine to me." The other's tone was stern, which made Lust tense.

"N-nevermind that..I'll..I'll stop bothering you! Haha.." Lust was about to hang-up. Yet, he didn't want to.


"Where are you?"


"Where are you? I'll come pick you up." Horror repeated himself.

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