"A Love Song from Paris"

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(Inspited by the song: 'Tourist: A love song from Paris' by Paint/Jon Cozart)


College Student!Ink

College Student!Error

(Note: This is a ship chapter.)


Ink sighed as he stared down the sight from the balcony. It was the Eiffel Tower and a few more lovely buildings. Couples were spread out everywhere, laughing, having the best time of their lives in the City of Love.

Ink came here with a couple of friends. Of course, he used to live just a few towns away from the City, so he felt a sense of familiarity with the place. Still, it made him feel bitterness within his own soul. Well, that is, if he had one.

He, moreover, had a artificial soul. Something the doctors gave him to keep his body from giving out because of the lack of a soul, a lack of an energy source. It did what a normal soul could do, it just feel fake then any authentic soul. But that still doesn't mean that it couldn't affect his feelings so greatly.

Lately, he hasn't been feeling so good. It wasn't that he was sick or anything. He just felt things that he knew he shouldn't be feeling.

For instance, what he felt about his friend. Error was his name. It almost slipped off the tongue really.

He, Error and a few more friends came to France for a program they had in their college. They were gonna stay there for 2 weeks. The first week will be the most busiest one while the second, they can just relax and take in the beauty of Paris. Ink immediately knew he had to sign up.

But the fact that he was here too, made things uncomfortable. Ink couldn't relax.

Heaving out another sigh, Ink focused his attention to one lovely couple walking along the sidewalk. They were talking, hands intertwined and very much, clearly in love. Something Ink would literally no nothing about.

He was still confused, so very confused. Emotions and feelings aren't really his strong suit. Ironic to think that he, himself, were majoring in art. Something that really needs a lot of that emotional stuff. He just hope he could be done with this trip soon. After all, they are gonna leave in just 2 days, so Ink had atleast something to look up to.


That voice..

Of course, just when he though things couldn't get any worse, he had to show up. Cracking a forced smile, Ink looked at taller skeleton.

Why is it when you fall for someone so hard that you notice every single detail about them? Like how Ink noticed the blue streaks coming out of his eye sockets were slightly glowing. Or how he noticed that his glitches were fading in and out. Or how the expression in his face showed such calmness and a lot of boredom. How did he noticed so much from this man?

"Hey! Error! What's up?" Ink managed mutter out, using a very convincing cheery voice that he learned from a blue companion of his.

Error decided to join the smaller in the viewing, walking closer to him and coming to a halt to rest his arms on the rails of the balcony. Ink was fighting the urge to jump off then and there.

"Eh..Nothing much. Just really bored. The others went out to 'explore', I guess you could say." The black skeleton replied, putting emphasis on the "explore" part.

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