"Just A Hypothetical"

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Household AU

(An AU where the Sanses AUs live in a house together)





"What if the Earth was actually flat?"

"Excuse me?" Sci turned away from  the book he was reading and focused his attention to the other skeleton that was laying on the other couch.

Currently, Sci had found himself in the living room because of certain people who won't turn down their music. The music could still be heard from the living room, but atleast it was more faint and hardly noticeable.

When Sci did arrive at the living room, he was greeted by none other than Killer, a loyal member of the bad sanses.

It had been only a week since he had been forced to move in the huge mansion and he is already regretting his descision. He still cursed that one random creator who decided her ships needed more developtment so she decided to trap all the well-known sanses in a mansion.

When will that girl ever take a hint that her ship won't happen? Guess we'll never know.

Anyway, Killer was surprisingly silent than usual. Maybe it was because he pissed Nightmare off. Then again, Nightmare was always pissed.

It actually surprised Sci of how much the others were getting along. Even though at first, they practically split the mansion in two. Now, they're just chill with each other when it came to the mansion. Outside the mansion was a whole new different thing.

Back to reality, Sci adjusted his glasses (that were taped to his skull) and fully closed the book he was reading. "Killer, it's common sense that the Earth isn't flat." Sci said once more with a half disappointed tone.

"I know, I know. Just hear me out!" Killer insisted. Of course.. Why did he expect "common sense" from this guy. Common sense was the least of his trait.

Sighing in disbelief, Sci let the eye-dripping skeleton speak. "So, let's say the world is flat."

"It's not flat."

"It's just a hypothetical, man. No need to get aggressive." Aggressive? Oh please! Sci wasn't aggressive. If anything, Killer would be the more aggressive one in the two of them. Killer is a serial killer, for Creator's sake! It's in the name.

"Whatever. Just continue this 'hypothetical' of yours." Sci didn't really like things being factually incorrect.

"Sheesh, okay." Killer said, before continuing. "If the world was flat, what would be on the other side?"


"Just think about it. If the world was flat, wouldn't it have another side?" Killer replied, make gestures with his hands.

"First off, the world isn't flat. Second, wouldn't that just contradict your first statement?" Sci stated, putting his book down on the coffee table that was infront of him.

"Well, maybe, I don't know. You're the Science guy here!" Killer retorted. "Are you saying the world is a disc?" Sci asked the other skeleton.

"I didn't say that." Killer raised his hands defensively.

Sighing, Sci once more adjusted his glasses. "If the world is flat, wouldn't that make the Earth a block."

"A block?"

"Yes. I mean, if the world was a disc, how in the world would you explain digging?" Sci really didn't like when they talk about these sort of things.

"I don't know!"

"Then why did you brought up this question?!"



The room fell silent. The others could probably hear the two's arguing. Killer relaxed and so did Sci. This was the only interactions that they have that were actually heated.

Picking up his book from before, Sci mumbled. "It's a stupid thought.."

Killer heard and simply chuckled.

"Now, what are you laughing at?" Sci retorted at the other skeleton. "Eh. It's just fun seeing people so terrified and pissed at the same time." Killer replied, smiling like the psycho that he is.

Sci gave the other a look.

"You...are insane as heck." He told Killer. Killer laughed once more and simply stated, "Why do you think I'm part of the bad sanses group?"

Sci stopped for a moment, a little grin creeping up his mouth.




I don't know if this is a ship chapter or not-

Okay! Another chappy done! I decided to play around with these two and I know that the "Household AU" thing has been used already but oh well-

Again, I took a prompt (well it was more of a meme). I just love writing platonic interactions-

Take it as you will. It's your choice if you want this to be a ship chapter or something. But to me, the relationship is simply platonic. But respect to all shippers out there.

Also- I'm taking request! That is if you want to request go ahead and do it! I won't mind!

Anyway bye-

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