"Mission Possible"

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Agent AU



There's a reason why Geno prefers to do solo missions. And this was one of them.

Right now, he was with one of his fellow agent, Agent D, they would call him. Though, he prefers to just go with Dream.

He and Geno were hiding right behind a tree, waiting for two other agents to finish their task. It looked stupid, it really was.

His teammate, Ink, told him and Dream to stay right where they are while he and Bluberry go ahead and catch the guy they were looking for. Geno tried to convince Ink to let Blue stay with Dream instead, but Ink declined.

Grumbling to himself, Geno crossed his arms.

"Something wrong, Gen?" Dream asked, his voice tainted with worry. Geno sighed. Don't get him wrong, Dream is a wonderful person and friend, just not the best when it comes to these sort of missions. Let's just say, he wasn't the smartest of the group.

Scratch that, no one in the group knew what they were doing. Well, except Geno. Probably.

"I'm fine, Dream. Just wondering when those two finally finish the guy off." Geno simply stated. Dream nodded. He could sense the frustration coming out of Geno, but he didn't want to push it further.

Geno checked his phone, just in case there were any updates from Ink. Although being a little more chaotic than the other two, Ink was atleast good at his job. Even if he was just a total dumbass sometimes.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from the trees.


Before they knew it, Dream and Geno were running. Blue and Ink needed back up.

They stop to a halt when encountered be two paths.

"Where do you think they went?" Dream asked, really concerned now. He must be panicking in the inside.

"Well, guessing from the direction of the air, the pile sticks on the corner and the disturbance of soil, I think they went left." Geno explained, sarcasm splattered all over his tone.

Dream looked at him in awe. "Woah..You can really figure it out from that?" He asked, absolutely clueless from the sarcasm Geno displayed earlier.

Are you serious right now? Geno looked at Dream for a moment before answering the question. "No, you idiot! He texted me. See?" Geno said, showing Dream his phone with a text from Ink that clearly said they went left.

Giving a low "Ohh..", Dream just proceeded to go to the path on the left, being too embarrassed to say something. Geno followed after.

Soon, they arrive to where Ink and Blue were. They were indeed in a middle of a fight. Being Ink trying to detain the guy while Blue was on the side with a visible wound on his shoulder.

Dream immediately pulled out his bow out of thin air while Geno takes out a handy taser gun from his belt.

Around them were clones of the person they were trying to catch. Ink swinged his huge paintbrushes and eliminated some clones while Dream fired a multitude of arrows to get rid of the clones.

Geno and Ink gave each other a nod before attacking the guy at the same time. Ink flicked some red paint while Geno shot his taser gun. In one hit, the man dropped down to the floor.

After the commotion, Dream gave his attention to the injured Blueberry and started to heal him with some magic.

Panting, Geno walks over to the man and lightly kicks him. "You think he's dead?" An equally as exhausted Ink asked. "No. We need him alive." Geno quickly replied. If the guy was indeed dead, they would be in so much trouble.

"Dream." Geno called out.

"Yeah?" Dream replied, still healing the unconcious Blueberry.

"You think you can revive the guy too?" Geno asked, trying to hide anxiousness in his voice. "It's not guranteed, but help from Reaper maybe it could work." Geno cringed at the mention of the name.

Reaper was another agent. An agent that Geno in particular find to be simply irritating. Geno shooked his head at the thought of the other skeleton. He really didn't want another thing to top his stress.

"Right." Geno simply stated.

"So..uh..who's gonna carry the guy?" Ink asked. It was pretty obvious that he, himself didn't want to carry the man.

"You might need to help me." Geno replied. Giving a small groan, Ink obliged and helped Geno carry the almost dead man.

Ink swung the man's right arm and let lay over his shoulder while Geno did the same to the other arm. "Dream, you should carry Blue. You can heal him once we get to the car." Ink stated.

Dream nodded and picked Blue's unconscious body up.

Soon enough, the four were out of the woods and arrive at a black car. Geno and Ink hastily put the man's body at the trunk while Dream gets inside with Blue in his arms. Geno then takes driver seat while Ink took shotgun.

Although Geno hated group missions, he was glad that they could be much more faster than the other missions he had before.



Hello Everyone! I am back to writing in this book. Yes, I took this from a prompt. A dialouge prompt to be exact! Anyway, I'll go now- Bye-

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