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Secret Agency AU Concept





Dream stared at the stack of papers nervously. He knew what he was getting himself into and yet, he still couldn't believe he was willingly participating in it.

If he signed papers, if he agreed on joining, his life would change. His life would change drastically.

He wouldn't be known as that one rich kid from high school. He was risking everything just for this. Risking his family's reputation, risking his own reputation, and risking the possiblity of someone getting hurt.

But he was determined. No matter how many dangers and risks the contract had, he was still determined. Determined to find his brother.

His eyes averted to the man infront of him. Ink was his name. He didn't gave any further information than that, but he promised to give more once Dream signed the contract.

Ink was a fairly skinny man. Having pale skin and dark brown hair, he didn't look like much of a threat to anyone. Aside from his eyes. His eyes were a whole different story.

His eyes were rather peculiar, as Dream would put it. One was a light yellow hue while the other was a more teal one. Dream has heard about people with different eye colors, but has never met one in his life. It didn't help that Ink was a part of something....something different than the normal.

Ink's eyes just stared Dream down as Dream just stared back in fear of what the man can do. His sly smile was also scary in a way. Seeming like a small detail, but had a lot of mystery behind it.

"Well..?" Ink's voice echoed through Dream's ears. He didn't even notice he's been staring for so long.

"Oh! Uh..umm.." Dream muttered. "I...uh..need a pen.." He spoke awkwardly. He wasn't really prepared for the sudden event, so he forgot to bring his own pen. To him, it was rather embarrassing asking Ink for a pen. Besides, Ink was more skilled than him and had more experience with the anonymous agency than him.

Ink slightly chuckled and lifted one of his hand. Dream looked at it questionly and tilted his head. Suddenly, swirls of magic came out of Ink's hand and out came a pen out of thin air.

Dream's jaw dropped open. He knew that Ink was peculiar, but magic possession? That was beyond of comprehension.

"Wha- How- But you- I-" His eyes were locked at the pen than was on Ink's hand. Ink simply giggled and placed the pen down. "Just a little trick up my sleeve. You'll learn more once you get in the agency." He stated, bring his hands back to his lap.

"I-I see.." Dream stuttered unwillingly. He was about to ask more questions about the magic, but decided against it. Grabbing the pen shakily, Dream heaved a sigh.

He would admit, he was scared. He was scared of what his parents would say. He was scared of joining. He was just scared. But there was no turning back now. He's already held the pen, the only thing to do now is to write his name on the stacks of paper.

Letting out another sigh, Dream placed the pen on the paper and wrote his name. And on another paper, and on another, another, until there was only one left.

Ink watched as his future co-worker signed the last piece of paper. Once it was finished, Ink placed his hand on the stack of paper and all of it teleported somewhere else.

Dream watched in awe again as the stack of paper disappear off the table. "Well then, I guess I'll be taking my pen then." Ink stretched out his hand so that Dream can hand him the pen. Dream did and Ink closed his hand with the pen still in it. As expected, once Ink opened his hand, the pen was no longer to be seen.

Dream fiddled his thumb awkwardly. He wanted to ask Ink more questions but just didn't know how to put it. Ink took notice of the other's fidgeting and heaved a sigh.

"Dream." Ink stated. Dream looked over to the man and they made eye-contact. "I know you have a lot of questions and a lot of doubts about our agency.

I get it. You're curious. You want answers. But you cant have them yet. If you think I have them, then you're wrong. I don't have the answers to all your questions. But that doesn't mean that that's that. Your questions will be answered soon. Not today, but soon.

I can see that you have a lot of potential in you and I can guarantee that joining the agency will help you tremendously. Especially with your brother.

You do want to find your brother?" Dream's head perked up at the mentioning of his brother. "Of course I do!" He exclaimed, rather defensively.

"Then I can assure you that we can help you search for him." Ink gave Dream a reassuring smile as he said the last part.

With that, Ink stood up and stretched out his arm to Dream. "Anyways, I have to go. I still have plenty of missions to attend to after all." Dream looked at Ink's hand and then to Ink. "I'm glad you're joining the agency. And don't worry, I'm sure we'll find your brother. Aside from that, it was nice doing business with you, Dream."

After a bit of staring, Dream stood up and took Ink's hand to shake it.

"Same to you, Ink."


First one-shot finished! I hope you all like it! I might make a complete book about this concept, but here's the chapter!

Anyways, I'll see you all in the flipside. Bye!

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