"Safe Haven"

537 7 2

(No AU is specific. Just the Star Sanses and Bad Sanses fighting. The usual)




(Note: This is a ship chapter.)


Cross sighed as he entered the portal. He couldn't believe he was doing this again. He was in a much more higher risk than ever.

Why did he even like going there in the first place? Was it because of the beautiful setting? Or was it the fact that it calmed him down.

Or was it just that delightful skeleton that always came to meet him there.

A purple tint covered the skeleton's pale skull. Maybe that was the reason. His reason was him.


The name repeated over and over again inside the mind of the black ans white skeleton.

Dream, the guardian of positivity, a member of the Star Sanses, and the literal opposite of his twin brother, Nightmare. The very skeleton who had finally made him feel joy and peace in his life.

He could still remember the first time he met up with the positive skeleton...


It had been a really tough day for the bad sanses. Being that this time, the Star Sanses really kicked their butt.

Nightmare was the one who took it way too personal, practically being more pissed off than usual for the rest of the day. Killer was trying to calm down the goopy skeleton but to no avail.

Horror immediately left after the fight. Who knows where that crack-skull went. While Dust simply just lay on the couch and not care about anything. Error would stay in the castle for a few moments, before going back to his anti-void.

Cross managed to pull Error aside so that the glitchy skeleton could maybe teleport him to another location than the hellhole that is Nightmare's castle.

After a lot of bribing and a loss of a bar of chocolate, Error obliged and pushed Cross inside a random portal.

Let's just say, his landing wasn't graceful.

After being face-planted on the floor, Cross managed to pick himself and silently curse the destroyer for pushing him off.

He didn't knew which AU he was in, since there were hundreds and hundreds of AUs! You might wanna blame the creator for that.

Atleast he landed on a fairly grassy surface.

From what he knew, he was in a forest. 'Must be one of those nature AUs, huh?' He thought to himself.

Cross was about to venture more into the forest until he heard something that was like a faint humming.

Having nothing else to do, Cross decided to follow the sweet tune.

It took some walking, but finally, Cross arrived at an amazing clearing. Tall trees surrounded the clearing, giving it shade. But at the same time, the sun shone through the trees, giving it contrast. In the middle of the clearing was a pond, glimmering as ever. Around it, were flowers of different shades that gave the whole place a sense of abstract. There, sitting right be the pond, was another skeleton.

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