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High School AU

(An AU where in everyone is in high school)




(Note: This is a ship chapter. May include themes of suicide, self harm and depression. Also may include cursing and profanity Proceed at your own risk)


Geno was gonna do it.

It was probably the wrong choice, but what else was he supposed to do?

His life was nothing, but absolute sh*t. Besides, it's like no one will care, right? All of his friends practically hate him, and it wasn't like any of his parents were even there for him.

Sometimes, he wondered if there was any way of getting out of this state of his. If there was a way to get back the old times.

He missed those days. The days where he didn't feel like sh*t in the morning. The days when he didn't have to fake a smile to look normal. The days when he was still alive.

That was the cause, wasn't it? He just couldn't let go. No, he didn't want to let go.

He never wanted to accept the fact that his own brother was dead.

Because of this, he started changing for the worse. He started doing things that harmed himself. What else can he say? It helped him cope.

He felt like an addict. Addicted to the relief he felt whenever he did it. It didn't matter what way, he just needed to feel that wave of relief that he so longed for in his life.

Whenever he picked up that blade, he felt calm. Yes, it hurt, but atleast it was something. Something to distract himself from the world around him. Something to distract him of the pain he'd feeling inside. Emotional pain.

It came to the point where it didn't work anymore. His relief was gone. Instead, replaced by guilt and regret of what he's done to himself.

He came to a conclusion.

He needed to end it.

There was this bridge around his town. Rarely anybody goes there, so it was the perfect place. Nobody to disturb him in his last breaths.

The bridge had a sense of calmness - something Geno rarely felt in his life.

Once it was all over, he can finally feel the relief and serenity he was looking for...

Well, things might no go as planned..


There, standing on top of the rails of the bridge, was a boy.

He looked about the same age as Geno or older. He was also a skeleton and dressed in all black. Black shoes, black jeans, black hoodie. Even his eye sockets were pure black.

Deep blue tears were streaming out of his eye sockets.

Did he come here for the same reason as Geno?

Did he come here to kill himself too?

Why did Geno care anyway? It wasn't his problem to care about the other. He wasn't in any position to intervene with the person's business. If anything, he practically lost the only chance he had. He wouldn't have the guts to go back.

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