"Happy Birthday CryBaby"

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Friendship AM (An AM where everyone is friends and whatnot.)




And a few appearances from other Sanses

(Note: This is a ship chapter.)


Killer let out a happy sigh as he finished off his last slice of cake. All of his other friends were simply talking to each other and having fun.

He was talking to his two best friends, Dust and Horror. Dust was trying his absolute best to not stab Horror with a sharp bone then and there while Horror was tempting Dust to actually do that.

The party was lovely, nonetheless. Everyone was chill with each other and so far, the birthday party was going great! Though, Killer felt like something was missing. Or someone.

Suddenly, a skeleton approached them. The skeleton was a lot smaller than the trio and had a golden eye lights. A golden crown was wrapped around his skull. The skeleton was normally known as the Guardian of Positive feelings, but he'd rather go with his name Dream instead.

He had a worried look splattered across his face. He wasn't usually like this. On the contrary, he would always keep up a smile up his face, but right now seemed different.

"Um...Guys?..Have you seen my brother?" The small skeleton asked the trio of murderers. Of course, Dream was obviously worried about Nightmare. He always is.

After everything that happened before they all became friends, Dream became more anxious and cautious about his brother. Nightmare was stubborn after all. Any wrong move and everything will go back to before.

When reminded of the slimy octopus, Killer realized what was missing. The Lord of Negativity, himself.

He was here awhile ago. Did he just disappear all of a sudden? Well, he does that a few times.

"Nope. Haven't seen him simce earlier." Horror replied, standing up. "Same goes for here. Have you tried asking Cross or Error?" Dust said, following up Horror's last statement.

"I did. But they haven't seen him either.." Dream stated, looking at the ground with a frown on his face.

"Aw, don't worry about it, Dreamy!" Killer joined in, standing up to put a hand on the guardian's shoulder and give a toothy smile. Dream returned the smile, feeling less worried.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll go and search for him outside!" Killer continued. "B-but it's your birthday! I don't want to bother you for that.." Dream stammered.

Killer removed his hand off Dream's shoulder and put it inside his pockets. "Nah, it's fine. Besides, I wanna see where good ol' Noot Noot is!" Killer replied. It was true though. For some reason, he really wanted to see where the octopus went. He felt like his day was incomplete without The Lord of Negativity.

The others chuckled at Killer's nickname for Nightmare. Killer had a habit of giving nicknames after all. Horror would be called Crack-Skull, Dust would be Powder, Fell would be Egdy McMyChemicalRomance, Cross would be Oreo Fluff, Error would be Panic at the Everywhere and Nightmare would be Noot Noot. He would have nicknames for his other friends too, but it wouldn't be as brutal as his other friends.

"Alright then. Good luck finding him.." Dream replied, smiling once more. Dream trusted Killer. He was practically the most closest to the ball of negativity. "Thanks. I'll see you guys later!" Killer smiled as his black tears dripped off his eye-sockets.

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