"Must Have Been The Wind"

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(Inspired by the song: "Must Have Been The Wind" by Alec Benjamin.)




(Note: This is a ship chapter. May contain slight themes of abuse and self-harm. Proceed at your own risk.)



Dust groggily opened his eyes at the sound. Was that glass shattering?

Sitting up, rather lazily, Dust scratched his head full of hair. What time was it?..

Stretching out his arms, the dirty blonde male picked up his phone and opened it. Groaning to himself, Dust was blinded by the radiance of his phone. Did he really turn the brightness this high? Oh well..

3:30 AM

Why in the world would a glass be shattering in 3 in the morning? Is sombody having a party upstairs?

That's when Dust heard a faint sob coming from a girl. Okay, now he can't ignore this.

Grabbing his grey and blue hoodie jacket, Dust walked outside his room and into the elevator. He looked pretty sh*tty - with only being in a pair of grey sweatpants, a white shirt and his grey and blue hoodie lazily put on. Even his hair was a mess!

With a ding, Dust finally arrived at the second floor. Well, no backing out now..

Walking to the door of the room above him, Dust could hear some more sobbing. Looking up, he saw the door number. Room 216.

Knocking lightly on the door, Dust fiddled around with the ends of his hoodie. After a few minutes, a click was heard and the door creaked opened.

There, standing infront of Dust, was a petite girl. Might've been the same age as Dust or even younger. She had blonde hair like Dust, but hers was lighter. Her hair was tied to a lazy ponytail, with ends sticking out here and there. She was wearing a fairly white sweater and some black pants. A little star necklace was hanging from her neck. She also had ocean blue eyes. They were puffy and her face showed a look of exhaustion. She must've been the girl crying...

He wasn't sure, but Dust could almost see a light slap mark on her cheek. Now he was really worried.

"Is there anything I could help you with, sir?" She spoke with a high-pitched, yet hoarse voice.

Snapping back to reality, Dust replied. "Um..Yeah actually. I'm from the room downstairs and I heard what seemed to be a glass shattering? I just came over to see if everything was okay." He was franctically trying to see what was on the other side of the door, but the girl was blocking everything.

Even though she was clearly tired, the girl still managed to put up a smile. "Oh yes! Everything is...fine around here.." She nervously chuckled at the last part. "Yeah..Everything is fine.." She repeated herself in a much more lower tone, the smile falttering.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I swear I-"

Another crash. The girl turned around franctically and shot Dust another smile.

"I am so very sorry, sir, but I really think your ears are playing tricks on you..I really wish I could tell you about the noise, but I hardly heard anything! ..I have to go back now, sir..The noise just must have been the wind!" Her words were frantic, yet soft. With that, shotting Dust another smile, she closed the door. Leaving Dust alone with his own thoughts.

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