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January 17th, 2022- Y/n POV

I had just hopped off the plane to Hereford. It was a relatively short flight from good ole' Ireland to England.

Honestly, I was psyched. I had heard what little information Seamus was allowed to tell me about Rainbow and I could not believe that I had got an invitation to join under the SAS. The day I got that red sealed envelope I squealed for joy and took the boys out for a few rounds of shots. I got fluthered, but eh, it was fun. And now I'm here. I had already talked to the lady Six over the phone so I didn't have to check in with her or anything, apparently Seamus would show me around and to my room. Some chauffeur picked me up in a fancy Mercedes Benz car and drove me the short two or three kilometers to the base. After he typed in a pass-code and a heavy steel gate opened, I was able to take in the full beauty of this legendary military facility. A brick building stood at least 5 stories tall, equipped with apparently full bulletproof two layered windows, 4 full sized gyms, an Olympic sized pool, AND A FREE FOOD COURT!

The chauffeur opened the butterfly door and left me to walk into the facility alone. After walking down a neatly paved stone path and pushing open a large glass double-door with a steel carving of a dove, I saw Seamus twiddling his thumbs by the doorway, smoking a ciggy.

He looked up when he saw that I had walked through the door and snuffed his cigarette.

Seamus- What's up Maddox, ya culchie?"

Y/n- Nothin' much eejit. You?" (I want to try to use some Irish/local dialect for all of the characters to show where they are from, to add cultural difference, and to be funny, so feel free if you are from that country or speak that language and I use the word completely wrong)

Seamus shrugged- Naw bludger. Just waitin' here to show you 'round the building. It isn't like you got your keys." Seamus tossed a key to me, and it had a 6 neatly engraved on it, with the center of the number being a handgun.

Y/n- Well, this place is fookin' huge. What floors my room on?"

Seamus- 3rd floor. Up where mine is."

Y/n- Well, for some reason I wasn't allowed to bring my clothes in a duffel, or a backpack, so they made me mail all of my stuff here other than the clothes on my body. I even had to mail my guns. So we can get up to my room so I can get all that set up? I fink I might've forgotten a toothbrush and I kinda wanna have one for tonight and tomorrow morning."

Seamus started walking out of the lobby and towards a large, spiral stairwell- Yeah yeah, we'll get to your room soon enough. Jus' let me give you a little tour of everything around the main building."

Seamus showed me the cafeteria, the gyms, the pool, and a bunch of other stuff that was kinda cool but honestly I didn't really care all too much. We finally made it up to the third floor after like 30 minutes of Seamus showing me random shit I'll never use.

Seamus- Welcome to the third floor. Floors 3, 4, and 5 are all rooms for Rainbow personnel and staff. Your room, if your key is right, is A46. I'm in Room A14, so we're on the same floor, just a turn of a hallway and a few floors down."

Seamus led me down his hallway, and we turned to a slightly shorter corridor. I read the numbers as I walked; 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. Finally.

I slid the key out of my front pocket and slowly opened the door to the room that I would be sleeping in for who-knows-how-long.

It was a quaint, small room. It had a double bed pushed up against a wall that contained one window, with a small oaken nightstand nestled comfortably against the low bed, and a large maple or cherry wardrobe was placed against the side of the adjacent wall. There was also a small chest right to the side of the doorway, probably for extra clothes or whatever you need to hold.

Y/n- It's pretty damn nice, but no telly?"

Seamus- Yeah, they kinda don't give you much. Each halls got a shower and then a few toilets, but if you get held up and you really gotta piss do NOT go out the window. There's a big-ass room with like 10 showers and quite a few jacks and urinals down by the mess hall for the employees and people eatin, so I would suggest going there, because chances are, someone is gonna be usin' your shower if it isn't 1 or 2 in the mornin' or some odd time like that."

Y/n- Thanks Seamus, that'll help a lot. Wasn't like I was gonna piss out the window or anything, but maybe a langer like you would."

Seamus chuckled- Who says I haven't?"

It took me a moment to process what he said before I started laughing.

Y/n- I have a feelin'  you probably have."

Seamus- Well, ask around if you wanna know. I'm gonna head out, I've got a training I have to attend."

Seamus was walking down the hallway and about to turn the corner when he looked over his shoulder and hollered to me- Forgot to tell ya the most important thing! You got the next three days off to learn the place and make a few friends! Be ready on Monday at 6:30 in the mornin. I'll be knocking on your door for training."

I shouted back a quick thanks before closing my door. I had a duffel-bag to unpack and clothes to fold.

After spending about an hour folding my countless pairs of sweatpants, cargo shorts, and hoodies, along with trying to perfectly place my SAS poster on the wall, my room was finally finished. I forgot to bring sheets, so the plain white ones that were already on the pristine looking bed when I arrived would have to do for the time being.

It was 3 PM on a drafty January afternoon. Not much to do with all the Brits gone and not knowing many other people. I mean, I do remember those guys from the GSG9 from when we had to deal with the truck bombings, but that was ages ago. I doubt they even remember my name. Eh, I'll see 'em around. I remember Seamus tellin' me a few of them went into Rainbow around the same time he did.

I sat around in my room on Netflix until 6:30, deciding it was probably time for a shower. I grabbed a towel and a set of clothes and went on my way to the showers. I read all of the door signs until I found the shower. it was a few doors down and on the opposite side of the hallway from my dorm. I slowly walked up to the door and was about to open it when I was finally close enough to hear the distinct hiss of a shower-head spraying water and pressed myself up against the wall to be comfortable. I would probably be there for a little while.

No way I was going back to my room and giving someone a chance to steal the shower from me after whoever was in it now. I had heard a few doors open from my room, presumably from guys returning from workouts or practice, so it was highly likely someone would arrive shortly after me, and no way was I going downstairs to shower. Communal showers are gross and no way I'm walking down that many stairs, I'm too lazy for that.

I waited about 5 minutes before the water turned off, and another 2 or 3 before the door finally opened, revealing the person who had made it to the showers before me.

She was a girl, a bit shorter than me, but around the same age, with green hair that faded darker to black around the edges. She was too pretty to not look at, I must admit it was quite hard to keep myself from staring.

When we made eye contact from a few feet away I smiled, and I could feel myself blush. She gave a weak, halfhearted smile before lowering her head, turning, and quickly going to her room. Directly to the right of mine.

All the while I took a shower the only thing I could think about other than some good fish and chips in mess was that girl. Who was she? What unit is she from? Are we going to train together?

I walked out of the shower, a light scent of rich Lynx body wash flowing from my pores, hair well conditioned, and air-pods in, freshly excited over what might happen during my stay with Rainbow.

A/N- First chapter thoughts?

Also big thanks to Gunslingerxd09 for coming up with the idea for this story. Gave me something to do and something I think I'm finally enjoying to write. An Ela fanfic was imminent, I just didn't know how to run it through.

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