Merii Kurisumasu !

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"Let your smile change the world, not the world change your smile!"

-Rin Tohsaka ~ Fate Stay Night

December 25th, 2031

"Daddy, daddy!"

I looked at the little one clinging to my leg, smiling brightly. I was sitting on the small couch of our apartment, waiting for everyone, when he began tugging at my pant leg. Picking the little devil up, I set him down on my lap.

"Yes, Timur?"

He excitedly notioned towards the door.

"When is Auntie Elena gonna get here? And Chie?"

I patted him on the head.

"Soon, Timur. Everyone should be showing up soon."

Little Timur had just turned five the week before, and he was already super social. He still wasn't in school, but he had already made friends with a lot of the kids from day care. The little beast ran around everywhere, and he was never lacking energy; he could always run circles.

That was quite different from Ela and I's other little one. Oh, speak of the devil!

Ela peeked her head from the corner, an apron on, holding a whisk.

"Y/n, Kasper wants you. I think he wants to look at the tree."

I peeked around the corner from the couch, Timur still in my lap.

"Kasper! You want to play at the tree with daddy?"

My little three year old came waddling over to me, and he stood below me, looking up towards me.

"Do you want to play with the train under the tree?"

Kasper shook his head no.


Ah. I shifted Timur a bit so that he was on one knee, and gently picked up Kasper so that he was on the other. Both of the kids in my lap, listening to Timur talk about things I never thought a 5 year old would talk about, like the pull of the moon, why we can't see the stars very well in the city, why it's a different time at home then where Uncle Marius and Aunt Monika live.... it really makes me happy. At first I had been a bit scared and worried about having kids, but... just being able to see both of my boys filled my heart with warmth.

Timur looked a lot like me. He had steely blue eyes, just like mine, and dark brown hair. He was pretty tall for his age too... I wouldn't be surprised if he grew up to be a mini me! Kasper on the other hand, looked a lot more like his mother. He had platinum blonde hair... I guess that had been the color of Ela's hair before she began dying it. His eyes were green blue, and he was pretty small... He would probably grow as he got older.

The two of them were very, very different. Timur never stopped talking, never stopped running, and never stopped eating, not to mention he always wanted to play with his friends from daycare. Goodness, does it get tiring meeting every single one of his friends parents. I mean, people really do get confused when they find out their kids best friend is European and that both him and his parents speak fluent Japanese. However, it did help that Haruki and Matsui had a daughter only a few months after Timur. The two of them got along very well.

Now, on to Kasper. Kasper is... the exact opposite of Timur. He was very smart, but... he didn't talk much. For a three year old, he was very behind on speech. Ela and I couldn't figure out why... he could speak in Japanese and English, but he just never spoke. It definitely wasn't that he didn't understand what was being said... I think he's introverted, for a toddler. Kasper also liked attention a lot, especially his mommies :(. They cooked together a lot.

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