Beach Day (At Least You Hope)

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"I know it's Corona-cation, but your introvert asses need to get outside and get some sunlight so you don't shrivel up when you walk out the front door once this all is over."


I know books usually aren't like this, but this is the beginning of the Vacation Arc. The Arc before was the introduction arc. This one will be much shorter, but I just wanted to have a way to organize them.

May 14th, 2022


Condo in Margate, England

I woke up with a sore back and my feet freezing; to the smell of... bacon?

I lazily rolled off the small futon that I could barely fit on, threw on a shirt Ela had bought me the night before, and walked out into the small kitchen. Marius was cooking what seemed to be eggs and bacon, and everyone else was watching the morning news on the T.V, the three soldiers turned tourists cramped onto the one, very small couch. I stuck my head out the small window next to the door and felt a little chilly breeze blow through my hair before cramping up the couch even more by sitting on the arm, next to Ela.

Yeah, this place was small. And when I say small, I mean tiny. 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen that's connected to a small living room, and only 3 bedrooms. Elena and Timur took the bedroom with the one bed, Marius took the small room, and Ela and I took the room with the pullout couch and the bed. I don't think either of us were... ready to sleep together, so we were fine with that room. When Tina got back, which would hopefully be soon, Marius would give her his room and he'd just sleep out on the couch.

Timur was wearing a red, tropical flower shirt, obviously unbuttoned all the way, and cargo shorts. Elena was wearing a tank-top, and Ela was wearing the same blue sweatshirt she had slept in yesterday. Marius had on the typical dad vacation attire, a white floral shirt with pink flowers and khaki pants.

"Why are you all dressed like we're on a tropical island? It's not that warm here."

Timur frowned- Oh believe me, this wasn't by choice. The only cheap clothes we could find were these."

Marius looked over from the kitchen counter- Seriously? I kinda like this shirt."

"You look like a typical white dad."

Marius- I'm going to take that as a compliment."

Marius went back to flipping the sizzling bacon as the rest of us watched the news.

"67 degrees? Isn't that unseasonably warm for this time of year here?"

Elena- Yeah, seems like it."

Ela- This is good. The water will still be cold, but today should be a good beach day!"

"I hope so. Been a while since I've gone swimming."

Timur- Seriously? I swam almost every day at the pool on base."

"I've never even dipped my toes into that water."


We all talked at the couch, excited like schoolchildren, able to go to the beach instead of having to work, until we were called over to the counter by Marius.

Marius- Breakfast is done! Come get it while it's hot! And Timur, if your ass eats all that bacon, so be it, I will kill you with this fork!"

We all sat over at the counter, quickly filling our plates, and emptying them almost as fast.


I stepped out the door, wearing swim trunks and a t-shirt, carrying a towel and a folding chair. Looking down the road, I could see the beach. Our goal for the day rested only a block away, little patches of sand littering the sidewalk and sunken down bits of the worn asphalt road to our destination. Marius, Elena and Timur were about 20 yards ahead of me, beginning the trek down to the large strip of beach that we were going to be spending the day on. I stood at the front door, waiting, the sun sitting directly above my head wailing on my skin that was paler than I'd like to admit, not burning solely because I had lathered myself up with SPF 60.

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