Take the Pen

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"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it."

~Winston Churchill

August 13th, 2022


"So... how was it?" Masaru asked inquisitively, the joking smile on his face knowing I fell for the 'joke' or whatnot he had pulled on me the night before.


Masaru laughed for a moment before cutting it, going serious.

He had picked us up about two hours ago, and he and I were sitting in the main room of his house as Ela unpacked our things back into our room.

I looked over to Masaru with a whisper. "How did it go?"

Masaru sighed before responding quietly. "Successful, but costly. I just got this info from Six an hour ago when the two of you were moving boxes. The op in Prague? We lost two and another was seriously injured, both local soldiers, not Rainbow, but still disheartening."

I looked down. "We lost two?"

"Yes, but their deaths were not in vain. One of the soldiers noticed something as he was dragging the wounded man out. He retrieved info; J.D was and probably still is in Ibiza."

Ibiza, Ibiza, Ibiza. That island in Spain! I remember Marius talking about wanting to visit!

"Does he have a raid planned?"

"Tomorrow night. He's getting a team of ops together to raid it."

I stared at Masaru, an intense flame in my eye. I had stood up, and I could already feel my muscles tense and my vision broaden, along with the pain in my chest tensing up, searing a flame through my upper body. I was in fight mode.

"I'm going."

Masaru passed me a ticket. It was an airline ticket.

"I really don't want you doing this, and I know Ela doesn't either, but I know there is no stopping you. Six already gave you clearance for the mission. I had to talk to him a bit, but I think he somewhat understands where your viewpoint is. The ticket is a flight to Valencia, the location with an airport nearest to Ibiza. One of the ops will be waiting for you there; he'll take you to get armed up."

I bowed a quick thanks to Masaru before hugging him, tears almost flowing from my eyes.

"Thank you... so much. You and Ela saved me from the brink... I owe everything this last month to you and her, thank you."

Tears started falling as I hugged him tight, thanking Masaru for everything he had done for me.

"It's... it's fine. I just want to see you succeed, that's all. You're hardy, and you're a good worker. Now, hurry up before she comes out... that's the last flight!"


I waved a final goodbye, blew a kiss towards my room, where Ela was, and burst out the door, sprinting for the bus stop. I felt horrible, leaving Ela behind without telling her anything, but I knew that there was no way she'd let me go on an op; I still wasn't fully healed, and I know she didn't trust me on anything related to J.D.


I yawned. I didn't see the exact time, but I was pretty sure it was past midnight. God that was a long one way flight. Something like 15 hours. I had slept a good bit of the way on the plane, just trying to get the uneasiness from leaving Ela out of my gut. Even when I landed, I still felt sick to my stomach.

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