Bear Fruit

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"Everyone can make a choice after they have learned what it will result in. It is so easy to say we should have done it this way afterwards. But you can't know what your choice will result in before actually choosing."

~Armin Arlert, Attack on Titan

August 12th, 2022


"Fuuuuck! Do we really have to move all of this stuff?" I groaned as I picked up a box loaded with heavy laptops and hauled it towards the door.

Masaru nodded as he moved a box loaded with his electronics towards the doorway.

"Yup, we do. Remember, the government thinks you live in a nonexistent apartment, asides from a few military officials. That means our landlord thinks the same; he doesn't even know who you two are. He also doesn't know that I'm a soldier; he thinks I'm a game developer. That means we can't exactly have anything that points at the two of you staying here or my work with R&D for Rainbow when he visits tomorrow morning."

Ela shrugged as she moved a box filled with our bedding towards the door.

"Why are you boys complaining? Aren't the two of you supposed to be the strong ones?"

I retorted, "Well, you're moving our bed, I'm hauling computers. Big weight difference."

Ela put the box by the door and walked over to me. "Want to trade, if you can't do it?"

I shook my head no as I put the box by the door with a thud. "Not a chance in hell. Can't have you hurting your back."

Ela looked at me with a smirk. "Why's that?"

I reached out and gave her a gentle slap on the ass.

"No reason."

Masaru gave us the look of a schoolgirl who just saw a couple making out in the hallway.

"Don't give us that look. We aren't high schoolers."

He put his hands up in defence.

Ela and I both just laughed at him.

"So... where are we gonna take all these boxes? I assume we're throwing them in your car?"

Masaru nodded. "Yeah, it'll be a bit cramped, but we're taking them to a Rainbow safehouse."

Ela looked up at Masaru. "A Rainbow safehouse? Why didn't Y/n and I just live there?"

Masaru pulled out his phone and showed us a picture of the inside. It seemed really old and broken down.

"Because it's a piece of shit. That's why it's a safehouse. No one in the right mind would ever go in there."


"Makes sense."

Masaru slapped his hands together as he put down the last box.

"I think that's all of them. You both ready to cram in the car and throw this shit in a dump?"


After an extremely cramped ride in Masaru's Yaris, we had made it to the safehouse. It was at the back of an ally, in a run down part of town. We picked up the boxes, and Masaru opened an unlocked door. After the door, he pulled out a bookshelf, with my help, that revealed a hidden staircase. The staircase led to a full concrete, fairly small room. It had a few guns, labtops, MRE's, and bottles of water, along with a sleeping bag on the floor. All of the gear was outdated by at least 5 years; this place hadn't been touched in a long time.

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