Rude Awakening

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February 23rd, 2022

I woke up on the floor, body covered by a blanket. Having a sore back and a terrible hangover, my eyes squinted at the ceiling lamp in Ela's room, annoyed by the pain my body was in. There was a loud beeping noise coming from the ceiling, probably the reason why I woke up.

I spoke, half-asleep, not knowing what the noise was, only that it interrupted my very important, post alc-run sleep.

"Turn it off. Turn it off. My fookin' ears hurt. I can barely open my eyes and everything fuckin 'urts. C'mon, I wanna sleep longer."

Ela looked over the side of her bed and we made eye contact.

Ela- C'mon Y/n, you gotta get up. This alarm means that we have to report down to the briefing room as quick as possible."

Briefing room? Fuck, they're probably putting our squad on my first mission, 'cuz I can hear the alarm going off in my room too.

Although my head was pounding and my back felt like it had just been beaten numerous times with a wooden back, I sat up.

I looked under the blanket and thank goodness I was still fully clothed, I guess I didn't get too crazy after I got drunk. That was a good thing, for once.

I had stood up and was about to walk out the door to change into some clothes that weren't mildly wine stained and sweaty before Ela tugged on my sleeve.

Ela- No Y/n, we've gotta get down there, like now. We'll be lucky if Marius doesn't punish us for being late already."

I grabbed my hoodie from the floor and tugged it over my head as I followed Ela down the hallway, and had finally gotten it on as we ran down the second set of stairs.

"Where is this briefing room?"

Ela- Just follow me. It's on the second floor, we've gotta make two more left turn and then go all the way down the hallway. That's where it is."

We ran a little further before I spoke.

"You think they're giving us a combat mission?"

Ela nodded her head grimly.

Ela- Definitely. I've only ever been called down for missions. You'll get used to these after a while though, don't worry. Remember, we're Rainbow."

I gulped. My first mission with Rainbow. I guess I'd better give good impressions for my first mission.

Ela and I silently hurried down the hallway before entering a room with an open door, the rest of our training squad already sitting there, and an angry looking Marius tapping his watch.

Marius- Took you long enough."

Y/n- Aui, fuck off. I'm slow."

Marius- Yeah, slow in the brain."

I flipped him the bird.

Marius- Well Mr. Maddox, you know what we're doing here?"

Marius gave a smug grin.

Y/n- Killin something."

Marius face-palmed- My god that is all wrong. Had you been here, like Tina, Timur, or Elena, you would know.

We just got word that multiple vans are about to be loaded with Z8 toxin, the things in James' gas grenades. There are millions of dollars worth of toxins being loaded, if our informant is correct, and they are supposed to be sold to the white masks. If we can cut off this Z8 shipment before it gets distributed, we can prevent a possible gas attack in the future, which Rainbow is not currently equipped to handle. Suit up in the armory next door; your weapons should be there, and meet me by the front gate in 5."

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