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Your POV

My eyes are glassy and I'm trapped under the weight of this stupid stranger. I keep trying to break free and give up after a while. The blonde haired boy begins unbuttoning my dress
"No stop-!" I close my eyes tight and hear a loud thump, then I'm pulled up by my wrists. I open my eyes "Zak..-" he cuts me off
"Let's get out of here" he smiles and it makes me feel.. safe..?

Skeppy/Zak's POV

I would have helped earlier but.. I was stuck... Y/n is safe now though and that's all that matters to me.. I'll take her to my apartment so I keep comfort her for now. I'll record tomorrow... I guess
"It's okay y/n.. let's get out of here" I smile at her and pull my hoodie over her. It looks mis-matched with her tight black dress underneath but in a cute way.. I take her hand and lead her to my car, opening and closing the door for her.


Your POV

I sit in the shower, over thinking wayyyy too much.. I should probably get out.. he's probably wondering what's taking so long. I turn off the water and wrap a towel around me. I don't have any clothes so I'm going to have to make-do. I pull on Zak's light blue hoodie and my pair of underwear from before and walk out.
"Hey Zak is this alright?" He looks over at me and stares for a moment.. weird.
"Y-Yeah.. It's perfect... LY FINE HahAH PERFECTLY FINE" he hides his face quickly.
"Zakkkk dont hide!" I run over and jump on him "uncover your face!"
"Never!" He smiles and peeks through the gaps in between his fingers. I smirk
"Oh really... what if I.. TICKLE YOU!!" I start tickling him
"OKAY... PleASE.... nO.... MORe" he manages to get out through laughs.
"Okayy!" I stop and look up at him. He yawns which makes me yawn.
"You tired y/n?" He looks at me sleepily
"Yeah.. I guess it's time to sleep" I stand up and he frowns at me.
"There's only one bedroom... which is okay because you can use it!"
"Where will you sleep?"
"The couch"
"No. I refuse" there is no way I'm leaving him by himself on the couch..
"Y/n it's okay. I can sleep out her-"
"No. Cmon. Just like old times" I giggle and grab his hand

Skepppy/Zak's POV

She giggles and grabs my hand and it makes me blush. We head to my room and she lets me lay down first, then she follows.
"Goodnight chia"
"Goodnight blue"

Time skUp

I wake up to y/n, cuddling up to me, squeezing me. I smile and wrap my arm around her. I look at the time 10 pm.. I don't want this to end.. she looks so sweet. I can't believe she managed to find me again. I'm so happy she did because I used to love her before she left.. I was going to tell her but I got too nervous and just said bye and gave her an awquard kind of hug. She rolls over and I let her go. I should go make breakfast for when she wakes up.

No ones POV

Zak gets up and heads to the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients. He makes a fresh batch of pancake mix and then starts cooking them. The smell fills the room. Once Zak's finished and laid them on a plate, he takes out some whipped cream, butter and syrup and leaves them on the counter. He heads into his room to wake her up.

Your POV

I wake up to Zak calling my name
"Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" I stretch
"Whaaaaaaaaat.." my eyes are still struggling to stay open. The light is beaming through the the curtains and hitting my directly in the face.
"Come on you gotta get up" he sits on the bed beside me and I pull him to lay down and hug him.
"Nooooooo" I bury my face in his shoulder. He chuckles and brings my face up to look at him
"I made breakfast" he smiles proudly. When I don't move, he carries me out of bed to go and have breakfast.
"Zak.. pancakes?" I smile like an idiot
"I remembered they were your favourite" he rubs the back of his neck and I hug him.
"You're so sweet" I squeeze him and then we sit down and start eating.

AnuTheR tiME SKiP

No ones POV

They watch the walking dead all throughout the day till y/n gets a call.
"I'll be right back" she smiles picking up her phone
"Okay!" Zak pauses it and waits, scrolling through his phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" She looks over at Zak who hasn't taken any notice of her.
"Y/n i want you to come home". Her stomach drops...
"Mum?" She clenches her fists "What do you want?"
"Come home or-"
"No." Shes just about to hang up the phone until Zak takes it

"Hello? Mrs l/n?" (Last name)
"Who is this? Put my daughter back on the phone now"
"I'm sorry. She's busy at the moment. May I take a message?" Zak pulls y/n close and awquardly side hugs her to comfort her.
"She was right there though.. just tell her we're coming to get her. We have found someone for her" Zak swallows hard.
"Okay. I'll give her the message. Thanks bye" he hangs up and hugs her tight.

"What did she say..?" She looks up with scared, glassy eyes.
"She told me she found someone for you and... uhm..." he doesn't want to tell her. He himself feels scared.. imagine how she will feel.
"What is it Zak?" Shes still looking up at him
"They said uh.. they're uhm.. coming here.." she immediately starts crying.
"N-No... I just- they can't-" Zak hugs her even tighter and the tears which stained her cheeks were now soaked in his hoodie.
"It's going to be okay chi. I'll be here to protect you. I promise"
"Can I ask you something..?"
"Yeah of course... anything"
"Can I... move here? With you?" His eyes widen "Nevermind- It was a stupid idea I'm sorry just forget it-"
"Of course you can" he smiles reassuringly. "We can get a bed and put it in my recording room or something... or you can bunk in with me?"
"I can bunk with you if that's okay... you need your space for recording" she looks up at him and he wipes away her tears
"Of course it's okay! I was the one who asked if you were okay with it" he chuckles "why the sudden gesture though if you don't mind me asking" he asks confusedly.
"Well if they're coming to get me then they know where I'm living now... if I move before they get here then they can't find me as easy.." he pulls her into another hug.
"You're right. Okay let's do it!"

Okayyyy that's the end of chapter twooo. If you are confused about anything leave a comment and I'll explain it for youuuuu <3
Alsooo oooOooOoo~ living together ;)

Word count- 1207

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