Job Opportunity

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Your POV

I don't like him.. do I?
I've now sat up from his shoulder and I'm fiddling with my fingers.
No I can't.
I look back over at him.
But he's so sweet...
He looks over at me and smiles. I blush and smile back
He probably doesn't like me back anyways
I look back down and fiddle with my fingers again
What if he does though?
I shake my head
Pfft.. as if he'll like me
We soon arrive at the apartment and I flop, face first, into bed.
"You good?" He asks, chuckling at me.
"Ughhhhhh" I look over at him. He smiles his cute, goofy smile at me and it makes me giggle.
"Made you laugh" he says proudly. I roll my eyes at him.
"When are you recording tonight?"
"Uhh I might as well now. You can watch if you want." Smiling, I sit on the bed and cross my legs, bouncing a little, saying 'bouncy bouncy'.
"Yay! Okayyy"
Zak starts,
"Yooo hows it going everyone..."

Time skUrp

Zak/Skeppy's POV

I finally finish my video and when I turn around, she's fallen asleep. I gently move her under the covers and kiss her forehead, softly whispering 'Goodnight'. Sitting at my desk, I email my editor the video and do some more work which I've skipped out on by helping y/n. I play music through my headphones, keeping one off just in case something happens. After almost ten minutes, I hear y/n mumbling.
"Zakk.." Hearing my name, I take off my headphones and look at y/n. She's still asleep. Sleep talking. She starts mumbling other gibberish and I can barely hear her. As I walk over she said something more clearly.. "I love you". She loves me? I shake my head of the thought. No it's just a dream. It could be about anyone- I head back to my desk and put my headphones back on. I try to forget what she said but it keeps replaying in my head. Don't be an idot Zak. She was asleep. Probably nothing! I keep arguing with myself in my head. Eventually, my eyes grew heavier and heavier. Bed time.. I turn off my PC and get into bed, leaving y/n enough space to roll around throughout the night.

I finally get to sleep at about 2 am but 10 minutes later, I'm woken up by y/n. She's rolling around and panicking in her sleep so I grab her and hold her close.
"Shh it's okay" I whisper and squeeze her and she wakes up  and looks up at me. "You okay?" I ask her, concerningly.
"I-I just.. I saw—" I hug her tighter and rub her back.
"Hey it's okay.. tell me later K?" I smile to reassure her and she nods and nuzzles into the crook of my neck.
"I'm sorry I woke you up.." she frowns
"It's okay! As long as you're okay I don't mind"

No ones POV

Zak looks down at Y/n and she looks up at him. He places his hand on her cheek and rubs it gently. Slowly she leans in and eventually kiss. They make out for a few minutes and then pull away.
"I-I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that-" she blushes and hides her face under the blankets.
"Why's that?" Zak pulls it off of her and she looks away shyly.
"What if you didn't want to- I mean- what if you already had a girlfriend and I just ruined everything or you didn't like me at all or even-" she panics, talking fast
"Hahahahaha" Zak laughs and holds her close, "I've loved you since we were kids. Why wouldn't I have liked it?".
"Since we were kids? Wait really?"
He nods.

After a little time sitting up and talking, they cuddle and then finally fall asleep.

Y/n wakes up because of another phone call and she gets up without disturbing Zak.

"Hello?" She says softly as she shuts the door, "who's this?"
"Hello is this "y/n l/n?" (Your name, last name)
"May I ask who's calling?"
"I'm from a business company called {Insert name here lmao} and I've looked over your Harvard records and I would like to offer you a spot on our team as one or our head creators if you're interested?"
"Wait really? I've never heard of your company but I'd be willing to come in for an interview. When and where?"
"Come to Flint cafe. I'll meet you there and interview you"
"Sounds perfect! Thank you, bye!" Hanging up the phone she smiles, ready to tell Zak. "No more dodgy restaurant!"
She was still tired so she just heads back to bed for now, she places her back towards him and he was holding her close.

Timeskipp ;)

They're both in the living room space, waiting the walking dead again while eating popcorn and candy. 10 minutes in, y/ns alarm goes off signalling she needs to get ready.
"What's that for?" Zak looks over curiously
"Oh I forgot to tell you! I got a call from some business company, saying that they went over my Harvard records and like, they want me to work as their top creator or something" she smiles sheepishly
"Wow that sounds great!"
"Yeah it really does and hopefully, it's not sketchy like the restaurant"
"Yeah I guess but how much will it pay?"
"I'm not sure. More than stupid Cradella"
"Crapella" They both laugh. Y/n goes to have a shower so she can start getting ready.
She pulls on a grey bodysuit and a tight white skirt. Slipping on a pair of small, high heels, she walks out to show Zak.
"What do you think?" She smiles, feeling proud of herself
"Wow you look amazing-"
"Do I really?"
"Mhm! Would you like me to drive?"
"No no it's okay. I can drive." She grabs her bag and pulls out her keys. She then hugs Zak and says bye before taking the elevator down to the parking garage. She turns the radio up and hums to the music playing. She stops at a red light and types in the building address.
"This is an apartment building.. maybe it's a private 1 on 1 interview" she keeps driving, following directions.
"At the roundabout, take the first exit"
She follows it and pulls into an empty parking spot. She steps out and locks her car behind her while looking at her phone.
Floor 7, room 108. She presses the doorbell in the lobby and a voice comes through.
"Come on up" she makes it into the elevator.
Someone else comes in on the floor before 7. She smiles at them and then, Whack!

She drops down on the floor...

Everything's blurry...

She rolls over and sees the spiky blonde...

"Shh.. sleep now" he holds a cloth over her mouth and everything fades into darkness.


OkAy this was a little late I'm sorry but like, ooooof. Also someone has copied parts of my book.. I'm only a small writer and I'm not really known so why copy from me? Hdbfbbfbfg
Idk whether to feel honoured or offended..
Be ready for another chapter today thoughhh

Word count: 1211

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