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(This part takes place a month later lmao)
Y/n wakes up to an empty bed.
"Zak?" She says, getting up. "You home?" Wandering around, she soon discovers her boyfriend has gone out. She finds a note on the kitchen bench.

Hey babe, I've gone out for a little bit. I'll be back in a few hours, Love you <3

She sighs deeply and decides to do some house work. Changing in one of Zak's shirts and a pair of grey sweatpants, she tidies everything, dusts, sweeps, vacuums etc. After a couple of hours of cleaning, Y/n plops down on the couch and let's out a long sigh.
"He's still not back yet.. I wonder where he's gone.." Sitting on her phone, a text comes through on Snapchat. It's from Anthony.

Hey girl, call me ASAP.. it's important

Why? What's up?

I can't tell you over text. Call me as soon as you can

Okay.. give me a sec

She scrolls to Anthony's contact and calls him.
"So what's so important?" She asks, kinda worried.
"Where's Zak right now?"
"I'm not sure. I woke up and he was gone. Why? What's going on??"
"I'm at the cafe down the street and uh.."
"He's here-"
"What's wrong with that?"
"He's here with Cooper..." Y/n freezes feeling, betrayed? No.. heartbroken? Sort of... angry? Yes... heartbroken and angry.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah.. it looks a little like a date but I don't know that for sure babe... oh shit he's coming over... hang on let me hide my phone." She hears some shuffling and some muffled talking. Mainly just normal conversation. After some small talk, Y/n hears something which makes her heart sink...
"Please don't tell Y/n I'm here... please please please-"
"Why's that?" Anthony asks.
"She will flip out.."
"You don't know that. What if she did find out?"
"I don't know.. I just don't want to upset her.."
"She texted me earlier and she's staying the night at mine tonight so I'll try not to tell her. No promises."
"Thank you so much dude." Zak walks away and Anthony leaves to, pulling his phone out and holding it up to his ear.
"So what's the plan?" He asks.
"Head to mine now and.. we'll talk when you get here.." she hangs up. Why aren't I allowed to know... questioning herself, she walks over to one of the brick walls and punches is. Damn it he's probably already cheated by now. She sighs and heads back into her room to pack a bag for Anthony's. Don't assume y/n... it could be something else. I don't think Zak would cheat on me.. would he? Zipping up her bag she goes around, turning all the lights off. I really don't feel like sleeping at Anthony's though... what if I said I'll just stay here... but I don't want that either.. y/n thinks for a moment and then decides that Zak can think she's going out and Anthony can think she's staying home. A day without anyone bugging her about what she's doing and where she is.
"Maybe I should call Bree.. see if Vanessa and her are down to go clubbing..." picking up her phone, she dials her number.

"Hey girl! What's up Y/n?"

"Nothing much. Would you be down to go clubbing tonight?"

"Uh, obviously! What time?"

"10 pm? I need to buy a new car lmao."

"Surelyyy girls day out? With Van too?"
(Hshdhdbf get in the vAN)

"Yess of course!"

"Okay meet at the subway? We can catch it there."

"Alright, okay. See you both at... 4?"

"Yeah. Cya then!"

She hangs up and y/n sighs and lays back on the bed."Okay... a good day with my girls... buying a car.. then clubbing..." she goes through her wardrobe and pulls out a tight, light pastel blue dress.


Y/n looks around the Audi dealership, looking for the right car.
"No... no... no ew.." a car catches her eye "what's this... oh hello precious.." she brushes her hand along the door of the car and then opens the door. "This... yes this one.." a man walks up to her.
"Hey! Are you buying?" He says with a beaming smile.
"Yeah. I'm thinking this car." She smiles.
"Okay! Follow me and you can complete all the paperwork." Y/n follows and so does her two friends. She completes the paperwork and the three of them jump in the car.
"An R8.. Nice."
"Yeah my boyfriend has the same but yellow."
"This looks better in black. Just my opinion." Vanessa smiles.
They go on a long drive.

Zak's POV

"Y/n I'm home!" I call out. She doesn't reply. "Y/n?" I look around, "must have already left.. what's this?" I look down at the dress. "Is she going out?"
The door unlocks and she walks in with two of her friends at 10 pm.
"I'm going to get changed, wait here." She giggles. I wait behind the door and when she closes it, I smile and hug her.
"I missed youuu~" I chirp.
"Mhm. Whatever..." the way she replies leaves me concerned at confused.
"What's up?"
"What's up?? Why are you even here. Go back out with Cooper." She says, getting undressed.
"Cooper? Wait, Anthony told you??"
"Yeah. He was already on the phone to me when you said not to tell me."
"Y/n- i can explai-"
"Don't even bother..." she pulls on her dress and I stand there dumbfounded.
"Where are you going?"
"To the club with Vanessa and Bree. Just go back out with Cooper since you like her that much to hang out with her behind my back!"
"No y/n.... it's-"
"It's what Zak??" I frown and look at the floor.
"Go have fun with your friends. We can talk afterwards. I'll wait up for you till you're home safely and if you need a ride home then call or text me. Just please, stay safe..."

I can see her thinking then she looks up.
"Thank you." She says before picking up her bag and leaving.
I make some popcorn then lay on the couch and put on a movie. 10 minutes in, Vincent calls me.


"Yo, Zak. How have you been?

"I've been better..."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"That would be nice... You know Cooper?"

"Yea... I hate that bitch..."

"Yeahh... I was trying to get rid of her for good today but, one of Y/n's friends saw us and told her. Now I feel shitty because I think she thinks I'm cheating on her. Cooper just won't leave though! I've tried for a month..."

"Did you explain to Y/n??"

"She wouldn't give me the chance..."

We spent some time talking but.. Vincent had to go so I hung up and just watched my movie again.
I miss her... I really do..


Oke so next chapter will be out soon ig?? Also, feel free to check out my other story! It's called, The Trio and Friends x Reader.

Anyways sorry this took so long in coming out. I tried to make it longer to make up for it.

Word count- 1199

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