Who is she?

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Zak and Y/n begin their plan.
"You in position?" Zak asks, nervously.
"Yeah.." she sighs. "Don't be nervous"
"I'm not!" He spots y/n's family, walking out towards the car so he revs the engine. "Ready?" He says while pulling up a bandanna over his mouth which y/n gave to him.
"Ready as I'll ever be" she pulls on her mask and hood. "Stay safe"
"Mhm. You too" he drives off as he sees her mum and dad getting in the car. "Okay go now"
"Okay" she grabs a bobby pin out of her hair and picks the lock. "I'm in." She closes the door and then begins searching, listening to the screeching and speeding of Zak's car.
"You okay?" Zak asks.
"Hm? Yeah.." y/n continues searching and then finds a map with a few places circled. She pockets it and continues searching for anything else. "My hoodie-" she picks it up. "Wow I never thought I would see this again." Underneath is a pink hoodie. It has some cartoon person and 'Language' in large letters on it.
"Wait" Y/n gets confused.
"That's Baldboys"
"Wait that guy from your videos who always gets mad?"
"Yeah that's his merch" she keeps that on her too "hey y/n, they just took another road. They're coming back"
"Okay. I'll leave in a few seconds"
"Be careful"

Your POV

I grab a few more things and shove them in my pockets. What else could I take... I take a couple of their throwing knives and hear Zak.
"They're here. C'mon" I quickly walk out and shut and lock the door behind me, running towards the stairwell. I try to push open the door but it doesn't work.
"The stairwell is locked" I look around
"Seriously? Hide around a corner or something"
"I've got something" I run and hide inside a trash room and wait. I hear the elevator ding and my parents walk out.
"Was Derek keeping guard?"
"Should have been" I hear their voices trail off slowly and quietly and quickly make it to the elevator. I press the button labelled 'UG' and the button to close the doors. Two seconds later they close.
"Okay I'm coming down now." I sigh.
"Good.. I'm just happy you're safe" the doors open and I walk over to Zak's car.
"I'm strong so of course I'll be safe. I can take care of myself" I chuckle. When I get in the car and shut the door, he reaches over the center console and hugs me. "Zak it's okay?" I say calmly.
"Yeah.. yeah I know.. I was just worried" he lets me go and kisses my cheek.
"It's okay" I smile. "Cmon lets get home so we can look over everything and relax"
"Yeah.." he takes the hand break off and and begins driving.

Time skep

No ones POV

Y/n and Zak make it home and y/n slumps down on the couch.
"Y/n" Zak calls out from his room. "Can you come here please?"
"What for" y/n yells out at him and pushes herself up.
"You have to come here to know" he chuckles.
"But I'm tireddd.."
"Pleaseee y/n" he says in his fake whiny voice.
"Ughhh fineee" she surrenders and walks in their room to meet him. Zak covers her eyes
"No peeking~" he smiles
"What's going o-" she's interrupted by Zak, pressing his lips on hers. "Mmph-!" Shocked at first, she gives in and kisses him back. He takes her hand off of her eyes and smiles before continuing, wrapping his arms around her waist. She wraps hers around his neck. They stop for a moment and their lips linger, only inches apart. "What's all this about?" Y/n asks, smirking.
"Nothing. I just love you" he smiles his goofy smile and gives her a peck. "Let's look at the things you got~" letting her go, he skips to the lounge and jumps on it, crossing his legs.
"Okay so," y/n drops everything on the couch "here's the two hoodies, a map I found, some knives, a notepad..." she keeps listing things off that she found and Zak looks over it.
"I'm going to wash the hoodies.." she says, picking them up and carrying them to the small laundry. She sprinkles in some of the washing powder and turns it on. Lucky they're both pink.. she heads back over to Zak and lays down, laying her head in his lap. "I just want one day where we can stay home all day and relax.. no psycho parents or anything to hide from..." she sighs.
"Well, how about tomorrow? We can look at this stuff later or something... or we can take it to the police and maybe, give it to them to handle?" Zak says, sounding uneasy.
"Yeah but I'll be in trouble for breaking and entering.."
"Say you took it when you escaped"
"Then like, I'll have to give another statement.. I can't be bothered.."
"You want your parents to go away right?" he starts running his fingers through her hair, smiling down at her
"Yeah... I guess..."
"You can do it. I know you can't be bothered but in the end, it will make everything easier"
"Yeah... I'm sorry you got involved.." she rolls over and looks at the black screen of the TV.
"Don't apologise. I chose to get involved"
"But you wouldn't have if it wasn't for me.."
"No it's not"
"Yes it i-" Shes cut off by Zak, pressing his lips on hers.
"You doubt too much.." he whispers, going in again for another.
"I don't doubt too much" she pouts
"Yes you do"
"No I don't!" She sits up and crosses her arms and legs. "Hmph" Zak sighs and then chuckles.
"Fine.. you don't." She turns around and smiles triumphantly. "We should go to the police now though.. it's going to seem weird if we go too late"
"Mhm. C'mon then" he stands up and takes her hand, leading her to the kitchen. "Before we go, can I be a little selfish..?" He blushes.
"Yeah.. I guess" she says, smiling at him. He pulls her in front of him and pick her up, placing her on the counter. He kisses her cheek, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck. "Zak.. as much as I love this.. we have to go." She frowns. "When we get back we can continue. I promise." He stops and looks up at her.
"Aw okay.." he picks her up off the counter and places her, standing up beside him. "C'mon then let's get going." She nods and they head off.

Time skidot

Zak's POV

We sit, waiting in the waiting room with everything apart from the hoodies which are still in the wash. We both end up playing online UNO while waiting. Don't mean to toot my own horn but.. I won.. 14 times. They finally call us in. There was only one chair so I stand and y/n sits.
"The police department told me about my brother.. Jai l/n? I know my parents are the prime suspects so I thought I would bring these in. I took them when I escaped from their apartment." The police officer looks at them and pulls on a pair of gloves.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for bringing these in. They'll be very helpful with this investigation..." they talk for a couple of hours and when we can finally leave.
"I'm so hungryyy" I say, stretching.
"Same.. we should get some food and take it back to the apartment"
"Yess" I smile. "Also, I have to record tonight.. want to be in it?" I cross my fingers.
"Yeah sure. I'd love to!" She smiles.
"Really? Yay!" I smile. We make it to my car and get in. "What's for dinner tonight boss lady?"
"Hmm... Nandos!"
"Oh my god yes! You're amazing I love Nandos" I drive around and spot a Nandos. We head inside and order. As I'm looking around I spot my ex girlfriend. Oof.. I can tell she's spotted me too because she's looking over. I roll my eyes and look over again. Did she just wink at me?? I start getting pissed and then I place my arm on Y/n'a shoulder. "Hey Y/n?" I say getting her attention.
"What's up?" She looks up at me and I give her a quick peck on the lips. "I love you." She starts smiling.
"I love you too.." We hear our number get called and grab our food. As I look behind me, my ex is still shocked. I poke my tongue out and shut the door behind me.

Final time skip I swEAR

No ones POV

They start recording the video, inviting Daryl and Vincent (bad and a6d) to join us.
"Yoo what's going on guys alright so today..." Zak quickly turns into Skeppy and they record a survival but video while eating Nandos.
After about an hour of recording, Daryl finally asks, "Skeppy who's chiaaxpx by the way?"


ThIS is a long chapter.. I didn't know what was going to be in it but now I do! Anyways, sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I'm focusing a lot on school nowewwweweew
Regular updates thoo onnn Instagram (@14cheesyfries)
Alsooo while ur there, peep the TikTok 👀 (@smol.chia)

Okok thank youuuu! <3

Word count: 1569

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