King of Trolls Part 2

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"I'm so nervous.. what if they don't like me-"
"They will. They did when we were little and they're going to now." Zak reassures her while pulling into their driveway. "And if they don't, we'll leave and get icecream."
"But what if-" she's cut off by Zak, gently placing his lips on hers.
"It's going to be fine." he smiles, pulling her into an awquard hug over the centre console. She smiles back at him as they pull apart.
"You're right.. I'm panicking over nothing.. I'm sorry" she sighs.
"Don't apologise! It's perfectly fine. I get it, your nervous." He chuckles. "Cmon, lets get inside. It's kinda cold out here." She nods and opens the door, stepping out afterwards. She zones out, staring at the ground. Zak walks around and shuts the door, making her jump.
"Sorry" he smiles his goofy smile and takes her hand. "You're quiet. Everything okay?" She nods.
"Just a little nervous still"
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I promise" he kisses her forehead and smiles. "Let's gooo." Grabbing her hand, Zak takes her to the front door and knocks. After a few seconds, it opens and they're greeted by Zak's sister.

"Hey Zak and.. y/n??" She says, her mouth gaped open.
"Hii.." y/n says, softly, smiling.
"Oh my god!!" She steps out the door and brings her into a hug. "It's been so long!! C'mon, come see mum and dad."
"Where's my hug idot!" Zak pouts and his sister rolls her eyes and hugs him.
"Thereee. Now mum and dad need to see her! You look so beautiful now! You really glowed up"
"Yeah yeah, let's go inside" Zak walks in, his sister and Y/n following behind.

"Hey... Y/n!?" Zak's mum stares and walks over, hugging her. "Oh my goodness! It's been forever!"
"Yeah hi mum..." Zak mumbles and pouts, crossing his arms.
"Oh hey Zak" she says, looking over at him. Rocco, Zak's family pet runs out, barking. Zak kneels down, ready to take his precious pup in his arms but he runs past straight to y/n, sniffing the air, her hands, licking her face etc.
"Rocco doesn't even love me"
"It's not like that Zak. We saw you a few weeks ago. We haven't seen our little y/n in years!" His mum smiles.
"Did I hear y/n?" Zak's dad says, walking out. "How have you been!" He brings her into a hug. "When did you and Zak start talking again?" Looking down at Zak, finally getting some attention from his beloved doggo, y/n smiles to herself.
"I saw a couple of his videos and realised it was him. I called and we've been living together since-" she's cut off by a loud gasp.
"LIVING TOGETHER??" His sister yells, kind of excitedly. "Does this mean that you." She looks at Zak, "and you," she looks at y/n, "are finally together?!"
"Yes, we are" Zak smiles proudly. His sister squeals with excitement.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you both"
"Thanks" y/n says, her cheeks flushed a slight red tone due to being a little embarrassed.
After a while of catching up, they all sit down for dinner.
"KFC? I haven't had it in forever" Zak exclaims while leaning over to grab some of the tender chicken. When he sits back down, his sister is staring at her. "What?"
"When you having a baby?" She says, eagerly. It makes him spit out his drink and cough. He ignores the question and keeps eating and talking with y/n and his parents.

Time skrt I mean, skip

After a while of talking and laughing, Zak and y/n decide it's time to go home.
"It was nice seeing you both" his mum smiles.
"Yeah, come over more often" his dad chimes in.
"Actually... we're moving to LA soon. We found a nice apartment big enough for the two of us and y'know it would be a nice change."
"Oh, that sounds amazing" his dad smiles. "As long as you both enjoy it and come back to visit!" His mum and dad hug the two of them. They say their final goodbyes and get going.
"Hey, Zak," y/n starts, looking over at him.
"What's up?"
"What if like, we found a um..  y'know, apartment with a contract. We live there for a few months or a year or something and then come back.. only if you want to- I'm okay with staying there permanently it's just like, you can stay with your family close by and-"
"That sounds great" he says, still focussing on the road.
"Really? Yay!" She giggles, leaning over to change the song on the radio.

A song comes on which they've never heard of and y/n leaves it on.

Evergreens in a dream of an island town
Draw a line in the sand and we'll smooth it down
Will your side win, get in the middle
Count them off one at a time
And we'll try, to guess right

She looks over at Zak who's still focussed on the road and smiles to herself.

Waking in the white sun, lights out
Waiting through the days in, nights out
It's a slow cinnamon summer
Your spell is pulling me under

She places her hand on his thigh and he looks over for a second and smiles, looking back soon after.

Rowing in a wooded hollow
Showing me the moves to follow

She looks up and sees a car, speeding towards them on their side of the road.
"I-I know." They are on a road with one lane and a raised concrete barrier on either side. He holds his arm out along y/n and slams on his breaks.

It's a slow cinnamon summer
Your spell is pulling me under

There's a loud screech, followed by a crash.

A ringing in both their ears.

Glass shattered everywhere.

Ok okok new chapter hahahahahhhhhh.
Sorry to leave on a cliff hanger hehe 😉
New chapter maybe today as well 👀

Word count: 1006

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