King of Trolls

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Y/n sits there, on her phone, scrolling through Instagram till she pauses on a puppy.
"Hey Zak?" She starts, looking over at him "This looks like Rocco" she chirps, showing him the photo.
"Woah it really does" he smiles back "I can't wait to see him again. We should go visit my parents"
"Omg yes! I miss them! It's been so long"
"Let me give them a call and we'll see when" he pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials his mums number, holding it up to his ear.

"Hey Zak"
"Hey! How have you been?"
"I've been good. How about you?"
"Well.. very good actually"
"That's good.. so, what do you want?"
"Wellllll..." he looks over at y/n and smiles "can I come over for dinner? There's someone I want you to meet"
"Ooo... a girlfriend perhaps?" She chuckles
"Can we come or not?"
"Yeahhhh sure.. 6 pm sound good?"
"Yess! Okay bye!" He hangs up before she can reply and Y/n looks at him, hopefully.
"Okay! 6 tonight"
"We have 3 hours"
"Yeahh.. I'm gonna record a video with Darryl today so you can have some time to yourself. I thought you might want some since we have been together like, all the time. I mean if you want to stay in here though and watch then it's okay!"
"Nono I think we could both use me time" she smiles. "I'll find something to do" she kisses his cheek and he leaves to his studio to start his recording. She smiles to herself devilishly and heads over to her PC. She changes her ign on namemc and joins invaded lands, Zak's server. She knows she has op so she gives herself creative and uses an invisibility potion since he can see her in vanish.
"Scammer gets scammed? Uhh.. troller gets trolled.." she smirks. "Maybe I should get someone to help?" She scrolls through her discord and presses on Finnster's name, calling him after.
"Helloo y/n. What can I do for ya?"
"Hey are you busy right now?" She asks.
"Just editing. What's up?" He asks, curiously.
"I want to troll Zak"
"You want to troll the king of trolling?"
"Mhm. I have op on his server so I can do like, world edit and stuff"
"Alright sounds good. I'm in"
"Yes!! Okay make sure you make an alt. I'll op you"
"Okay." Fin logs into Namemc and y/n tells the staff online what she's doing. Mega asks to help and she accepts, telling him the plan too over Discord. He types out some ideas and finally, after half an hour of planning, they begin phase 1.

Mega begins with the invaded lands logo, on the floor of the kitpvp map, making it a giant Japanese symbol for beginner (🔰 if you don't know what it is). Fin changes the spawn up, setting it all as tnt and y/n goes afk to do some trolling in the house. She loosens the cupboard doors and puts salt in the water.
"Just little things for now.." she smirks to herself. She heads back to her computer and asks Fin and Mega how they were going. They showed her their progress and she smiled even more. She was ready for Phase 2.

After 5 minutes, Mega teleports to Zak and y/n can hear Zak in the other room.
"What do you want Megaaaaa" it shows up in the chat as well as him saying it.
"Nothing. Just observing"
"Okayyy then?" He continues on with his video and Mega teleports y/n and Fin into the event.
"What are you doing??" He asks, confused in the chat.
"They wanted to join" Mega replies.
"But we're almost done?? Fine whatever they can join I don't care"

"Phase 3?" Fin asks, unsurely.
"Phase 3" y/n replies, chuckling. Mega makes sure to stay in Zak's sight while Fin and Y/n do things like cut an area of the ground out, place random blocks, /kill random people and more. "MEGA SOTP"
"I'm not doing anything. You can watch me" Zak stares at Mega and the whole ground is cut from underneath everyone and pasted back in. Zak yells at the top of his lungs and Y/n runs into his room as to not be suspicious.
"What's wrong? Everything okay?" He turns to look at her and sighs.
"Yeahh.. just a little annoyed. It's okay though" he smiles.
"Okay.. come and get me if you need me" she smiles and leaves and his quickly fades.

After an hour or so of trolling him, Y/n calls him on discord after adding him in the group.
"Sooo hows your video?" She chuckles
"Yeah.. how is it Skeppy?" Fin laughs.
"What's so funny?" As soon as he asks, y/n says the command 'slash slash undo' out loud and presses hard on her keyboard. Everything goes back to the way it was before the event.
"Did you.. it was you?!!" He yells, surprised.
"Troller gets trolled" she laughs. "The spawns pretty nice too now by the way"
"The spawn?? Wait.." he teleports to spawn and flies up, staring at the tnt covered island. He then drops down and laughs at the Japanese symbol for beginner. "Okay okay.. you got me"
"That's not even the best part" y/n smirks, Flint and steel in hand. She lights the tnt and Zak screeches, placing water but missing.
"BABE-" he watches as his beloved kitpvp server is blown up. "Please tell me you have a backup.."
"What's a backup?" Mega types in chat.
"Oh my god.. you have one right"
"Yes of course"
"Thank lord.." he drops his headset on his desk and leaves the call.
"Is he mad now?" Fin asks, mockingly.
"Noo he'll be fine." As she says that, Zak comes into her studio. She pulls off her headphones and he picks her up "Ack- Zak-!!" He kisses her cheek. "Good job" he smiles and puts her down. We have to go in an hour so let's get ready."
"Okay." She walks over to her laptop and puts her headset back on. As she does that, Zak comes up behind her and pours cold water over her. She gasps "ZAK-" she yells. "Call you later" she says quickly into her headset before hanging up. "ZAK IM GONNA KILL YOU!" She gets up and runs around the corner, looking for him. "ZaaAAaAk"
"No!" He shouts from around a corner. As she runs over, she slips.
"ACK-" she falls back. Zak comes out after hearing the thump and looks down at her. He laughs and takes her hand.
"I'm sorry" he says while helping her up. As soon as she gets up, she grabs onto him and hugs him tight, wetting his shirt. "Ah- it's colddd- y/n-" he whines.
"Payback" he kisses her forehead.
"Alright, let's get ready now"

They spend half an hour getting ready. Nothing fancy, just casual. Y/n puts on a little makeup and after a little while, they left.


Okok okok new chapterrr- this is pt1 btw.
Sorry it took so long for it to finally come out. I've been rlly busy ahbssnnfnf

Word count: 1200

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