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-Language Warning-
"She's coming to"
"Shit really? Quickly, hide"

Y/n looks around slowly, as her blurred vision begins to come into focus.
"What's going on.." she looks around and tries to sit up but can't. Her hands are tied up tight behind her back. "Wha? Where am I? Hello?!" She tries to shake free but can't. "Help!" She yells out loud.
"Oh shut up.." a voice says behind her. "You're so loud" They slump down on the couch beside her.
"Who are you?" She starts panicking.
"That's a secret princess" he leans down, trying to kiss her and she turns her head away.
"Don't touch me!" She screams, head butting the guy in the forehead.
"You bitch" he yells at her, knocking her out again. While she's asleep, they write out a note for Zak and the spiky blonde takes it to their apartment.

Skeppy/Zak's POV

I hear a knock on the door and answer it.
"Great you again. What now?" He hands me an envelope and walks away. I close the door and open the envelope and a USB and two photos fall out, as well as a note. I plug the USB into my computer and wait for the video on it to load while I read the note.

'Hello Zak,

How's y/n doing? I heard she has a job interview today? Hope she likes it there and is enjoying it with you..
Or maybe.. just maybe, we made it up.
Maybe she's never coming back
Perhaps she will be happier with us
Who knows. Enjoy the photos and videos


-GOrE warnIng IG-
What the hell? Who wrote this? I finally look at the photos and it's of y/n but.. she's tied up on a chair.. a single light hangs above her head... her cheeks have become stained with tears and her foundation is streaky. I shake at the scene.. there's blood all over her hands and on the floor, cuts in her arms and on her legs. Her throats been bruised with finger prints and she has a scratch going across her cheek. I watch the video finally and it shows her, sitting in the chair but this time she's blindfolded.

"Please stop" she's crying heavily. "I'll do anything just s-stop" she gets hit with something across her back and jumps, yelling. It looked like a pair of headphones but just the part which plugs into your phone. I feel sick to my stomach and turn it off.
"Shit shit shit" I pick up my phone and call one of my friends. "Vincent can you come over right now? It's really important like, extremely"
"Yeah sure.. let me just get dressed. Be there in an hour"
"No you need to hurry. 30 minutes longest... it's literally an emergency"
"Okay okay. I'll be over soon" Zak hangs up and sighs. I'm coming for you Chia...

Your POV

I wake up and look around again. There has to be a way to get out of here.. I look over and see a metal trolley with surgical tools on it. Shit are they going to operate on me or something?.. I quietly try and scoot the chair over to pick up one of the scalpels from the trolley. I'm just about to grab it when someone walks into the room...
My mother...
She looks at me smirking, like she's proud of what she's done. Her own daughter.. she's half killing her own flesh and blood and she doesn't care.
"Fuck off.." I mutter to her. She didn't like that one bit.. you could tell because she took a swing at me. I spit out blood and she walks out, muttering under her breath. I manage to grab the scalpel but with restricted movement, I can barely manage to cut myself free. I hold it awquardly as I begin moving my fingers to cut the rope off. Cmonnn... After 3 minutes of non stop cutting, one of my hands is free. I immediately begin cutting my second hand free and in a few moments, both my hands are lose.
(I was in the middLE OF wrIting and I feLL ASLEEP HnsnjBrnfn)
I quickly untie my feet and stand up. My phone... where's my phone... I need to message Zak- I search everywhere for my phone and can't find it anywhere. I decide to just leave without it but the problem with that is that, this apartment is half an hour away from my apartment. It's going to take forever to walk there unless I can Hotwire my car... I've never done it though so it's not going to work.
I keep searching. In drawers, in cupboards and then, I find my bag. I take it and head for the front door. Everyone must be asleep. It's 4 am... I open it and leave. This time I take the stairs. I'm trying to be quick but my heads spinning. 5 more floors... I take my phone out. 4 more floors... I open up my messages to Zak. 3 more floors... I tap on the 'Send my location' button. 2 more floors... My legs begin to give out as I'm going down the stairs. My phone buzzes and I answer.
"Z-Z...ak.." everything goes black. My legs finally give out and I've passed out.

No ones POV

Zak speeds in his car.

"Vincent can I borrow one or five of your throwing knives"
"Uh I mean, yeah but what the hell for?"
"My girlfriend is in trouble. She's been kidnapped.."
"What? And you're going by yourself?!"
"Trust me"

He pulls up at the apartment building and runs in, watching his phone as he moves closer and closer to her location. He opens the doors to the stairwell and starts walking up them. He speeds up and finds her finally.
"Y/n!" He picks her up and carries her quickly to his car. "We can get your car soon.." he places her in the seat and puts on her belt. He gets in the drivers seat and starts driving. Someone begins following us and I noticed quickly enough to take a new route all together. They still follow behind me.

"At least take this" I look at what Vincent has for me
"A gun?"
"Yeah. Take it"
"Okay.. thank you Vincent"

I wind down my window and shoot at the front tire, missing. "Damn it.." I aim again and shoot, Miss... miss... last chance. I aim again and shoot, hearing the loud bang of the tire popping. "Yes!" I speed off and make my way home.

I see y/n beginning to wake up finally. "Hey-" I say with a gentle tone. "How you feeling"
"I.. where am I?"
"You're safe now.. it's okay" I park the car in the garage and get out the car. I open her door and pick her up, bridal style. Locking and shutting the door, we head up to our apartment. I set my apartment on "Needs permission" and close the door behind me.

"Hey, y/n?"
"Nngh.." she looks up at me
"Just rest for now okay?" I set her down in our bed and start cleaning her wounds. She flinches at some of them. "Sorry.. I'll try be more gentle" I look back up at her and smile, trying to show her I'm not worried but I really am.

After about an hour of cleaning and wrapping her wounds, she falls asleep on my lap. I move onto her pillow in bed and kiss her forehead.
I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me to be.. tomorrow I'll go to the police and this will all be over with

I stay up all night to make sure she's safe..
You're okay
I brush my fingers through her hair
I'll keep you safe


This was a little eventful butttttt yayY twO chAPTERS IN ONE DAYY
This one is longer than usual but yaaa enjoy

Word count: 1328

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