The club

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"Some people think I'm bonkers, but I just think I'm free," Y/n sings along to the song with her friends, dancing around, "man I'm just livin my life there's nothing crazy bout me-" she gets a tap on the shoulder and when she turns around, it's a boy.
"Let me buy you a drink." He shouts over the loud music.
"Okay-!" You shout back and follow him to the bar in the next room. She orders a lime and vanilla martini and sips it while talking to him.
"Need a ride home?" He asks. Y/n is too drunk to think for herself so she accepts and heads to her friends to tell them.
"Van, Bre, This niiiice guy want- will take me hoome.."
"Okay! We'll see you later." Y/n turns on her heel and leaves, heading to the guys car.
"What's your address?"
"Parlae Apartmentss." He types it into his gps, kinda shocked.
"Yo that place is like, expensive as heck... are you sure it's there?"
"Mmmhm!! Let's goooo~" he starts driving there but the overall time it takes is about 25 minutes so Y/n ends up falling asleep in his car.

Time skip

Y/n wakes up in an unfamiliar place. It's dark and she's laying on a mattress with a single thin sheet on it. There's curtains wrapped around and a single hanging light. She sits up and looks around.
"Where... am I?" A trolly catches her eye. There's scalpels, tongs, needles and a whole bunch of doctors tools on it. She also spots a doctors cape with blood draped all over it. "Shit... shit shit shit LA is fucked-" she takes her shoes off and looks around for her phone, finding a box, she opens it quickly. "That was too easy..." she refrains from taking it and instead, takes her stilettos heel up with her and tries to escape through a door at the top of the stairs. No avail. She tries the small window but it's locks.. "Think Y/n think—" she thinks about her phone again. "Maybe he was tired and just threw it in there... didn't care too much about it because he thought I was going to stay asleep... yeah- yeah okay.." she grabs her phone out and dials the number for emergency services. She calls police and whispers.
"Hello? I'm in a basement and I don't know where I am... please he's going to kill me..."

"Ma'am what's your name?"

"Y/n l/n please hurry I think he's coming.."

"Who's coming Y/n?"

"Please call my boyfriend Zak... he knows my find my iPhone... please use that and help me... I'm going to di-" the man snatches the iPhone.
"You really think I wouldn't have set this up?? To alarm me??"
"Please don't hurt me I haven't done anything-" he hangs up the phone.
"PleAsE doNt huRt Me" he mocks. "Pft, what a joke." He grabs her. "We are going to have lots of fun..."

Zak's POV

I my phone rings and it's an unknown caller. I expect it to be one of y/n's friends so I answer it.

"Hello, this is LAPD is this Zak?"

I sit up kind of shocked and worry folks my body, quick.
"Yes what's going on?"

"Can we please have your address? There has been an emergency phone call from your girlfriend, Y/n."

"It's Parlae apartments. Room 14F Is she okay?? Is she in trouble?"

"Sir we are going to come to you and let you know what you have to do. Thank you for your time."

They hang up and I stand there confused and worried. About, 10 minutes later, I can hear sirens so I grab my keys head down to meet the officers.
"Hello officers?"
"You called me over the phone? My names Zak.."
"Ahh yes. Okay we need a huge favour. Your girlfriend told us that you know her find my iPhone account?"
"Yes. I have for a while, why?"
"She doesn't know where she is. All we gathered was she is in danger." Without hesitation, Zak opens the app and types in Y/n'a details. They find the location to be about an hour and 10 minutes away.
"Will we make it in time?"
"With our cats and the sirens, maybe in 45 minutes.."
"What about a sports car? We can take my car there and whoever else can follow behind-"
"Yeah okay. I'll be going with you. I'm officer Nick. Just call me Nick though."
"Okay. Pleasure. Let's get going quick." Zak and the officer get in Zak's car and pull out. They put portable lights on the dash and turn them on, holding sirens out the window.

Y/n's POV

"Please stop..." I plead, feeling blood trickle from my hands, hearing them tap the floor as they drip off my finger tips.
"Shut up." He slaps me hard. My heads spinning and before I know it, he's gagged me with a bandanna. "You're ruining my fun with all your talking." I bite down as he makes another slow cut in my arm. Just kill me already! It hurts so bad.. fuck please... He continues doing the same thing. My blue dress wasn't blue anymore and I felt weak. I'm going to die from blood loss.. damnit. I try to break free of the ropes holding me down. He looks at his phone and sighs, heading back up stairs.
"I'm not done yet..." he says as he walks out. Everything turns numb as my eyes begin to flutter closed. No.. I need to stay awake... I can't sleep now... I look around and see my bag sprawled our across the floor from when I tried to fight him off, my makeup shattered into a million pieces and the dust coating the floors. I look at my arms which have deep, long cuts in them and a few stab wounds. I hear him walking above me, pacing pack and fourth.

Time skip

Zak's POV

"We'll be there in 5 more minutes." Nick says to me. I speed up a little more.
"Let's make it 3..." I mutter as determination fills my body. We can see the remote house along with a single white Toyota Camry. I slam on my breaks and we get out the car.
"No.. move your car away. If he fires then your car is toast." I nod and do as he says because, he is an officer of course.
I jump in my car and drive it a few meters away and head back over to him. "I'll deal with the suspect while you look for your girlfriend."
"What about everyone else-?"
"They'll get here soon now you go around the back," he hands me a radio, "I'll let you know when to go in." I race around, hiding from all the windows and wait for the signal. "Go.." I slowly open the door and look around. Opening every door. Nothing.

No ones POV

Y/n hears people upstairs and uses every bit of strength which is left to move the chair, hoping to make a loud noise. She knocks over the metal trolly which had everything on it with her foot and then keeps kicking it. Zak hears this and looks around. It's coming from a bookshelf. He pulls on every single book till suddenly, it opens, revealing a door. It's locked.
"Y/n.. I'm here I'm going to get you out.." he says to her in a panic. Suddenly, he feels someone touch his shoulder.


HmmMmMm who tapped on his shoulder? :0
OkKkKkkKkKKkKkKkKkKkKkkK so like, lotsa drama, woops, but this is a longer chapter than normals. Don't go home with strangers from the club :D

Anyways, the second part of this chapter will be shorter. Like maybe only 500 words because I want it to focus on the event.

Word count- 1316

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