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The next morning, Y/n and Zak get ready for their guests who are arriving within the hour.
"Babe where do I put this box?" She calls out to him.
"Uhh.. just in the studio for now. We can deal with them later." Just as she's heading there, there's a knock on the door.
"Hey Zak can you get that please?"
"Yeah sure." He heads over and opens the door. It's his friend Cooper. "Hey Cooper! It's been so long!"
"Hiii!" She says, smiling. She soon hugs him tightly and kisses him. "Oh my gosh it's been too long!" Y/n walks out as she does.
"Hey ba-" she stops and frowns. "Oh, hello." She plasters on a smile.
"Hii! Zakky baby whos this? She's so cute!" Cooper walks over and pinches her cheeks.
"That's my girlfriend, Y/n." He smiles. "I gotta put some boxes away. You guys socialise and get to know each other."
"Oh.. Okay." Y/n plasters on another smile and her and Cooper watch him walk out of the room. Y/n motions for her to follow her over to the couch. They sit down and start talking.

Your POV

"So how long have you and Zakky been dating for?"
"Almost two years now. He's really sweet."
"Oh that's cute," she nods in agreement. "Really cute."
"Do you want anything by the way? A glass of water? Juice?"
"Red wine work?"
"Oh yeah, we have some I think." I get up and head to the kitchen. As I'm pouring the glass, there's another knock on the door.
"I got it." I call out and open the door. "Anthony!" I immediately hug him and he laughs.
"Hey! How have you been?"
"Could be better to be honest." I smile.
"What's happened?" He places his hands on my cheeks and I sigh.
"You know how Zak's my boyfriend and stuff?"
"Yeahhh.." I dart my eyes to the ground.
"Well.. when his friend came over, she hugged him and then like, kissed him.."
"What's wrong with that? Frien-"
"On the lips." He looks at me shocked.
"The lips? And he just let it happen?"
"Yeah..." as I reply, Zak walks over.
"This must be Anthony." He smiles. "Hey nice to meet you!" I can see Anthony is annoyed with what just happened so I speak before him.
"Yeah! We were just catching up." I smile.

Zak's POV

I see Anthony with his hands on Y/n's cheeks and I can't help but feel a little jealous. I've gotta walk over there before he tries something.
"This must be Anthony." I smile and they pull away. "Hey nice to meet you!"
"Yeah, we were just catching up." Y/n smiles to me.
"Oh that's cool. Anyways, pizza's are ready to be made so perfect timing." I head to the kitchen and see Cooper there, eyeing off all the food. "You can make one." I say, startling her. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay!" I start grabbing my pizza base and making it. "Is that the other guy?"
"Yeah." I reply, spreading the sauce over the top. Y/n walks over with Anthony and they start making their pizzas too.
"I'm going to put on a movie or something." Y/n says walking over. She flips through Netflix, looking unsure so I finish off my pizza and walk over. I hug her from behind and kiss her neck.
"What you thinking?" I ask.
"Hmm... maybe Pirates of the Caribbean.."
"I haven't seen that in forever. Sounds good." She changes to Disney Plus and puts it on, afterwards she heads over and finishes her pizza. They put all their pizzas in the oven and sit in the lounge to watch the movie. Cooper leans on Zak's shoulder and Anthony nudges Y/n and gestures over. She looks at them and frowns.
"I'll be back.." she says, getting up and leaving the room. Anthony gets up and goes after her.
"I wonder what their problem is." Cooper jokes.

Anthony knocks on the bathroom door. "Hey, y/n? Can I come in..?" Silence. "Look, I want to be there for you.. please let me in.." the door unlocks and he pulls her into a tight hug. "Hey, it's okay Y/n.. he loves you not her. Trust me." She sinks deeper into the hug and then takes a deep breath in.
"You're right.. Sorry.. Let's go finish the movie." Anthony sighs and nods, following after her. When they walk in, they'd got even closer.. she was sitting in his lap she looks over at Anthony who gestures towards the door. "Uh.. Anthony and I are going to the store, need anything?"
"Some aspirin?" Cooper asks.
"Yup. Zak, anything?"
"Uhh, nah. I'm good."
"Sure you don't need some water? You're looking pretty thirst-"
"Anthony c'mon." She says, grabbing his hand. The whole walk over, Y/n is extremely quiet. She stares at the ground. Watching as the stars go by on the walk of fame. "I don't get it... I just.. I give him my heart and right now, it seems like he doesn't care.. I love and care for him, cook for him, clean for him and this is what I get for doing that.."
"Aw hun... I'm so sorry this had to happen. He's an idiot for doing this to you. He doesn't deserve you!"
"It just.. it just hurts.. he tells me he loves me.. tells me everyday but now.. I don't even know.."
"Hey, c'mon. Let's go to the arcade and just forget about those assholes alright? Let's go beat peoples high scores!" Y/n looks over at him, confused and first but then she smiles.
"Yeah, okay. That sounds fun."

They head to the arcade play the old Street Fighter games. They had all the different series's. After a couple of hours, they decide it's best to head home and call it a night. They walk in the door, holding teddies and prizes they won with the tickets they got, laughing and skipping along but, when they close the door, Zak is sitting there... waiting...

"Isn't it time for your friend to leave?" He says, seeming really mad.
"Zak! Don't be so ru-"
"Nono it's okay babe. I think I should go too. It's getting late. Call me later k?"
"Yeah of course. Cya!" They hug and Y/n sees Anthony out.

-Caution, strong language hah..-

"What the fuck was that Y/n?" Zak's hands are balled up into fists, and he's yelling at Y/n.
"What do you mean?"
"He called you babe and you hugged after being away for TWO FUCKING HOURS! Where were you?!"
"At the arcade. Surprised you even noticed I was gone for so long."
"The fuck does that mean? How do I know you two weren't off having sex huh?"
"And how do I know you weren't busy getting a lap dance from little miss touchy huh?"
"He won't do anything."
"Oh yeah?? What makes you say that?! You don't know that."
"I do bec-" he cuts her off.
"He wouldn't have becau-"
"And nothing happened because he's-"
"You probably did fuck hey?"
"SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR A SECOND FUCK SAKES! HE WOULDN'T HAVE DONE ANYTHING BECAUSE HE'S GAY!" Her hands start shaking from all her built up anger. "COOPER KISSED YOU, ON THE LIPS MIGHT I FUCKING ADD, WAS ALL OVER YOU AND FUCKING SAT IN YOUR LAP DURING THE MOVIE! I gave my friend a HUG because he was THERE FOR ME and you go all apeshit? You don't have the right..." tears swell in her eyes and she leaves to her office, slams the door, and sits at her computer, leaving Zak standing then dumbfounded. She opens up Netflix, cuddles one of her teddies, and soon falls asleep at her desk.

Ah very eventful... sorry this chapter took so long. Online school had really taken a toll on me this past week so I've decided, every break I take I'm going to write a minimum on 200 words. It should hopefully get chapters out faster!

Ilyall! <3

Word count- 1386

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