Hᴏɴɴʏ | The look

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| The Look |

Sʜɪᴘ(s); Harper & Sonny, (Brook & Jack)
Iɴғ; Harper and Brook figure out their feelings for their friends.

| Sonny |

I hate feelings. They're stupid and they mess your brain up so much that you don't even know what to do anymore. I am in love with my band mate but I think he may like someone else. Mostly because they've been hanging out with them so much, that I can't even get a moment with him.

Ever since we met Harper, I had this weird infatuation with him, but of course life doesn't like to be on my side when it comes to love and Brook and Harper instantly click and can't get enough of each other.

There are moments where I do get to spend some time with Harper but it's very short. Like one night we were talking about our favourite bands in the living room. When Brook came walking in, "Hey Harper, you want to go live?" Of course Brook didn't think to ask me. I looked to see Harper's response and I instantly knew he wanted to go as soon as I saw the guilty look.

"You won't mind?" He asked me. I shook my head and let him go, "go ahead we'll talk later." We never did, because Harper was always with Brook. I didn't hate Brook, I mean who could, nor did I hate Harper but sometimes I just want to spend some time with him.

I don't even know how Harper feels about me, I think he may actually like Brook. I mean why else would they hang out so much?

| Harper |

"Ok, I lied about the live." Brook said as we walked into his room. I huffed out in annoyance, I was really enjoying speaking with Sonny. "Ok, what do you want then?" I say as I weight myself in one foot.

"Don't be mad but I need your help with Jack." I roll my eyes but nod anyway as I drop onto his bed. "So, we're talking and everything, doing a little flirtation as well but I think he only sees me as friend."

"Ok? You want my help how?" I ask.

"How do I get him to see me as more than a friend, and I know he has a girlfriend and all but I really like him and I just... don't know anymore!" He shouts that last part. I place my hands on his shoulders and meditate him into relaxation. "Breathe." He brings in some air and relaxes slightly.

"First of all, do you know if he's interested in you in that way?"

"Well... when he was in the band we... did fool around a bit. But we never really talked about it. He was a little closed off." I nod and take my hands off his shoulders. "Ok, then does he show signs that he likes you?"

"Like what?" He asks.

"Like, does he flirt back or say he's with Kirsty but still talks with you. Or when you hang out does he talk to you about his girlfriend?"

He looks up a bit in thought, "Yes, yes and no."

"Ok then, he's then into you but doesn't want to admit it. Just be patient, he may need to time to figure things out. Don't pressure him into anything. Ok?" He nods.

"Thank you Harper, and I'm sorry for pulling you away from Sonny."

"It's ok, just next time only pull me away if it's an emergency." He nods again and he hugs me. "Speaking of, have you figured out what you're feeling yet?"

"Nope, I mean I enjoy spending time with him and he's really nice, and easy on the eyes. And I do spend a lot of lonely night thinking about him but I don't know." I watched as he smirked and I frowned at him.

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