Harplyn | Dancing In The Rain

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| Dancing In The Rain |

Ship(s); Harper and Brooklyn
Context; I was reading a one-shot that spoke about rain and I wanted to write one.
Info; They're dancing in the rain, simple.

| Third Person |

With a weeks worth of sun, there always comes the rain. Weather likes to be like that, no matter what plans you had to go to the beach or set up a barbecue with your family and friends, the clouds of the sky don't care.

Like any other day, Rye would be out in the garden messing around with Alex, Conner and his brother. Sonny and Andy would be sunbathing in the glorious sun. And Brook would be floating about either joining Rye with the trampoline or asking Harper to make TikToks. It was like any other day.

But only a few seconds after they were ready to spend the day outside, the clouds decided to come out and cry all over the land. Every boy groaned and quickly ran inside, trying to get dry as possible, so they didn't have to change or smell like a wet rat.

Most of them moaning that their day was ruined, headed for their own rooms. And in like any other rainy day Brook would most likely be playing video games in his room with Harper, but this wasn't like any other day. He didn't feel like playing, so he let the blonde play around on his tv as Brook simply sat by his window watching the rain fall down.

It was something about the rain that intrigued Brook. The way it slowly fell down the window, connections to a few drops, creating a lightning streak like shape across the glass. He liked how it all felt warm to him. Like watching the plants and animals grow from the water as he stayed inside with a jumper and tea in his hand.

But the thing he liked the most about rain, was the scene it left behind after it stopped. He liked the smell that lingered in the air and how each drop looked so magical on a leaf or flower. Which made it the perfect photo to take. He never told anyone this but he liked Photography, more than he had led on.

Being the hyper, reckless child in the band, even though he wasn't the youngest, had tarnished the trust everyone had in him for taking great photos. So he made the serious part of him a secret to the world. He had a whole file on his laptop of all the photos he had taken, but no one knew about it, not even when Jack was in the house.

Rain was a little escape for him and there was one thing that he never tried before. One thing that he always wanted to do but was too worried about them not wanting to do it with him. He wanted to slow dance in the rain. He saw it in a movie once when he was a child, it had been a part of his bucket list for over a decade. But he never got the chance to.

He came close to asking Jack to do it with him, but Jack wasn't the type to do things that were so cheesy. Brook wanted to believe he could have done it, maybe if he would have just asked.

He turned his head away from the window to Harper, who was sat on his bed playing a game of call of duty. Brook bit the inside of his cheek in thought, what if he asked Harper to do it? Maybe he would say yes, but maybe he could also question Brooklyn, as to why?

He didn't have a full reason for doing it, he just really wanted to. Maybe it was about how even in rain a friendship or relationship could last.

He looked back out to the garden, it was dark outside but not so much that it was pitch black but it was only six in the evening. The gloom of the grey clouds casting over the house had made it seem like it was later than it was. But it didn't stop Brooklyn from picturing himself out their with someone, dancing to a slow song.

"Harper?" The name slipped out from his lips, it wasn't planned or anything. But it just came out. With his eyes still trained on the streaks of rain that fell down the glass window, he heard Harper hum. Showing Brook that he had heard him. "Will you dance with me in the rain?" He spoke out. He was a little nervous of his reply but he kept his head held high.

He spun to look at Harper, who had already been looking at the brunette with a questioning look. "Why?"

"No reason, I just really want to do it." It was half the truth but how much of his dignity did he really have to lose. Harper put down the controller and walked over to the boy. He looked outside, looking at how heavy the rain really was. "Aren't you worried about getting sick?" He asked.

Brook sighed looking outside, "you don't have to say yes, if you don't want to." He mumbled. His hope draining out of his system. "I never said I didn't want to." Harper whispered. Brook's head spun so quickly as his hope came back, "you want to?"

Harper sighed and looked out and then back at the hopeful look on his best friends face, "sure let's do it, but if we do get ill, it'll be your fault." Brook beamed and stood up to hug Harper, thanking him for accepting his offer.

They held each other for a few seconds before Brook went to grab his phone and speaker. He also took Harper's hand and lead him downstairs to the living room. Opening the glass doors he placed the speaker and phone down by the door and selected a slow song. One that he had picked out ages ago when he first thought of the idea.

Raising the volume of the song, he grabbed Harper's hand again and slowly walking backwards, he lead Harper out into the garden. Rain pouring down on their skin instantly and soaking their clothes. Brook didn't care for it at all, as his eyes were locked with Harper's.

He could lie and say he didn't have a weird interest for Harper. After Jack, he felt the closest with the blonde. And even if the Irish boy will never leave Brook's heart, he knew there was room for Harper too.

Stopping at a good distance from the house, not too far from the speaker but not too close that it ruined the moment.

Brook lifted his right hand up for Harper to hold in the air and he placed his left on the blondes shoulder. Harper mimicked Brook But he placed his right hand on Brooks hip and his left with Brook's in the air. Stepping closer they started to sway to the music.

Brook watched as Harper's shortish hair became damp against his forehead, the small droplets falling from the ends onto his cheeks.

It all felt so surreal to the older boy, he never really knew that this moment would feel so good. Dancing with someone he had loved, in the rain, felt a lot better than he had imagined.

And in some kind of way he had felt like the rain had washed away all of the pain, all of the stress and all of the worry he had felt in the past years of his life. It was only him, Harper and the clouds.

Harper's hand slipped its way up on Brook's side. Sending a few shivers down his spine that weren't from the rain already. His hand rested on the left side of Brook's face, he wiped away the small droplets of rain away from Brook's lips, but it had no use as more just fell on top of them anyway.

Harper licked the inner side of his lips and slowly leaned closer to Brooklyn. Harper made sure that Brook was ok with it for every second he got closer to him. And as they had only a millimetre away from each other, Brook closed the small gap. Their lips collided in a smooth movement. The rain mixing in with the kiss and the music playing in the background, had made the moment even more magical.

And even if Brook didn't really say it, he ticked off another thing of his bucket list. A kiss in the rain.

The kiss was sweet but short. Pulling away they both lingered to savour the moment. But once they had opened their eyes, Brook smiled softly and rested his head on Harper's shoulder as they kept swaying to the music coming from the house.

Harper smiles and rests his head against Brook's head, glad that he had accepted his offer to dance in the rain.


I love this one.


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