Sack | Dark Whispers ⚠️

790 32 11

| Dark whispers | REQUESTED

Ship(s); Sonny and Jack
Context; I did put a warning sign as there is a panic attack. I don't want to hurt anyone no matter how big or small the trigger may be.
info; ^^^ Hope you like what I did with the request.

| Sonny |

It had all come to the big day, Shepherd's bush.

After long hours of singing so much that we couldn't speak the next day, dancing our asses off and arguments about the smallest things. It had all come to the biggest show of all of our lives.

But the thought of performing to over two-thousand people (?) right now was weighing against my rapid heartbeat. Lately all my thoughts have become negative. Literal dark ghosts whispering in my ears, telling me things like, "you'll suck." Or "Everyone will just laugh at you and hate you for ruining their night."

There were some whispers that got too dark that had forced me to plant my whole body on the sofa and not move since we had arrived.

Whilst everyone was running around like they had lost their heads, I sat in the corner wishing I was anywhere but here. I hadn't even got changed into my show outfit. I was just in a simply light blue hoodie with my ripped black jeans.

The hood was over my head and I was biting at my nails as my eyes stayed staring at one spot the entirety of our arrival. My leg was bouncing like crazy and images of the whole stadium laughing at me were flashing in front of my eyes.

It felt like I was in a movie, where I stood, vulnerable whilst everyone pointed their fingers at me and laughed, spitting rude words at me. I was stuck in this horrible bubble and I hated myself for it.

What I didn't really understand was how no one noticed. I was literally a part of the main act and no one even cared to ask why I hadn't made a move to do anything towards the show.

What had alarmed me though was that now after a good hour, the space next to me on the sofa had dipped. Finally had someone noticed my horrible state?

I felt a soft hand on my thigh and I finally fell out of my stare from the wall in front of us. And as I turned my head I internally relaxed as I saw Jack sitting next to me with a beautiful grin. "You ok?" He asked as his face dropped slightly, probably because of the scared look in my eyes. I was never really that good at hiding my emotions, especially when it came to him.

As I stared into his emerald eyes, I felt myself break, the bricks of my walls falling down and smashing against the floor. A tear had breached the barrier and slowly fell down my cheek, and all I could do was shake my head and fall into Jack's embrace as he opened his arms out for me.

My head rested against his chest as his arms wrapped around my shoulders, his fingers softly stroking my arm in a soothing manner. He whispered some encouraging words, but I couldn't listen as my sobs turned into gasps of air as the dark whispers got worse and worse. Louder and louder.

"Sonny." My name was so muffled as it fell past Jack's lips. I think I was having a panic attack, my hand clenching onto my chest as it hurt too much to breathe. I tried so hard to keep my breath at a steady pace but no matter what I did, it all got worse. I sat straight as I started to move around, not knowing what to do with my body and hands.

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