Rylyn | Rejection

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| Rejection |

Ship(s); Rye and Brooklyn (Randy)
Info; ^^

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Sitting on top of the roof, I soaked up the sun. It was one of those days where it's beautiful and sweet. A day where you can relax and not worry about anything. I was sat there, with my shirt off and enjoying the sun as I got a tan.

It was peaceful and calm, the only sounds being heard were the chirps of the birds and light chatter of the other guys in the garden behind me. It was strange that it was so peaceful especially with a house of eight guys, but I wasn't really complaining. I was just happy that I got some time to myself.

But as I tanned, a pair of voices got louder and I look down to see both my brother and Brooklyn walking out of the house in a pair of shorts. Most likely going on their daily run together.

I twist so my body was sideways and I just let my eyes lock onto Brook's body. It was a sight to behold. He had been working on his body lately and must I say it was doing wonders for him.

As they stretched beside the cars I just watched as Brook's muscles rippled under his skin, making him look mouthwatering. As Brook twists and turns he bends down to stretch his hamstrings, and his ass goes on full display. I was getting carried away but I can't seem to take my eyes off his round ass.

How the thought of burring myself in between the cheeks had excited me. Maybe too much, as I get out of my trance to him calling my name, "huh?" I say.

"I said hi, Rye." He said back. My brother chuckled at my behaviour as Brook just grinned at me. "Ah, Yeah. Hi Brook."

"You alright?" He asks. I nod making him smile wider. I'm so happy that it's hot, otherwise he would wonder why I'm blushing right now. Brook's attention goes back to Robbie and so they finish up their warm up and start running.

I sigh and fall back onto the roof, life is hard when you're in love with your straight best friend. Getting back to my sun bathing, I try not to think about my heart ache.


I decided half an hour later that I had enough, I was bored most of all. Sitting in one place doing nothing isn't really that easy for me. So I climb down and walk through the house to get some water. As I walk into the kitchen I see Andy making lunch for himself. Which is very unusual.

"You're making food?" Andy hums as he mixes up some ingredients in the pan. "And your doing it with a smile?"

"Rye I can cook you know, I just prefer others to do it for me. Everyone's just too busy right now so stop."

"Huh." I breathe out as I walk over to the sink. "Didn't know you had it in you to do things by yourself." He frowns and tries to whack me with a spatula. I chuckle as I try to defend myself by grabbing a wooden spoon and going into a ready position for me to hit him. "On guard!" I shout he goes into the same position and we circle each other.

"I thought you two were supposed to be the parents of the house." We heard a voice by the doorway. I look over and see Brook standing there in all his glory. He had sweat dripping down he whole entire body and he was literally glistening. He looked so good that I started to bite my bottom lip to not moan at the sight. 

"We can have fun too Brook, it's just very rare." Andy tried to defend himself and I nod trying to move my eyes away from Brook. "Ok." Brook giggled and walked back out. "You're drooling Rye." I heard as I watch Brook walk out. I quickly without thinking wipe my mouth to realise that I wasn't drooling. "You suck." I mutter.

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