Sack | Guitar Strap

612 31 4

| Guitar Strap |

Ship(s); Jack and Sonny
Context; REQUESTED hope you like
Info: ^^^ SMUT


| Jack |

I was looking everywhere for it. Through unpacked boxes, under the bed, in the closest. But I couldn't find my lucky guitar strap, I've been having bad guitar sessions lately and I blame it on the fact that I don't have that stupid guitar strap, I think the safety of it being there allows me to relax and produce good music.

I huff as I sit down on my bed, looking around the mess I try to think of where it can be. "If its not here the only place I can really think it could be is at the Roadtrip house." I say to myself.

Getting my phone out, I call Andy first, but he doesn't pick up, so I call Rye, he picks up, "Can't talk right now, bye." So I call the last person that I know who would pick up, "Hey Sonny."

"Hi Jack, what's up?" He quickly replies.

"Can you check if you can find my red and black striped guitar strap? I seem to have lost it."

"Yeah sure, I'll keep an eye out."

"Thanks Sonny... So how have you been, surviving without me?" I smirk through the speaker. He chuckles, "Yeah, I'm coping. But only a little. I do miss you a lot."


"Who you talking to?" I heard in the background of the call. I assume it's Brook, as he's the only one who would have the least amount of common sense when it comes to privacy. "I'm talking to Jack, Brook."

"Ooo, can I talk to him as well." Sonny chuckles and a few small sounds were heard. "Jack you're on speaker."

"Hey Brook." I say with a soft voice.

"Hey Jack! how's life without us?" I chuckle.

"Definitely a lot less chaotic. But ok I guess." I answer, sometimes I do miss them quite a bit. But I know that for now it is the best thing for me. "Well at least your happy." Brook says.

"Brook can you come help us for a quick second?" I hear Andy in the background. There were a few shuffling sounds and then Sonny's voice, "your off speaker now... I was wandering you know?"


"Maybe you should come round instead, you'll know better where to find your strap." I smirk as he tries to act innocent.

"Or do you just want to see me?"

"Well, either way you're coming over if the strap is here. But you can't blame me for wanting to see my boyfriend." He whispered the last part. "You don't have to whisper if no one is around." I whisper back.

"Yeah But Brook may be lurking. So you never know." I hum knowing the history behind us three. Me and him have always had this connection but once Sonny arrived it all had changed. People thought that Brook was the only one to be really close to Sonny, but off camera all three of use were really close.

"Well, we can't worry about him. I'll come. I have a free day today so if you have one too, I'll come tonight?"

"Yes please."


I knock on the door when I got to the house, waiting until someone opens up. I take my phone out and text Sonny. He messages me back, saying he'll come down and let me in.

A moment later the door opened and revealed the tall brunette, I loved so much. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, his going around my waist. "Hey babe." I whisper into his neck. We pull away from each other slightly and look at each other.

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