Jacklyn | I Really Did Love You

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| I Really Did Love You | Vampire Au

Ship(s); Jack and Brooklyn (Rye and Andy)
Context; I've been watching the originals, and I got inspired.
Info; Two years after Brook was turned into a vampire, Jack, who is an original vampire, comes back to ask for Brook's forgiveness and love.


| Third Person |

Brook had stood at his dresser, putting on his jewelry for the night. He was getting ready to go out into town with his friends. There was a new nightclub opening and so they thought to go out together, but as much as he was looking forward to it he wasn't feeling like drinking tonight. So he put himself as the designated driver. Clipping on his watch, Brook looked down at the photo of his group of friends.

He looked happy and care free, maybe it was because he wasn't there. The origami rose perched next to the picture, reminding him of it everyday. He wishes he could just get rid of it, but he couldn't. As much as he wanted to, he didn't allow Brook to let him go.

"Brooklyn!" His roommate, Vivian, Screamed through the apartment we shared. She gets very impatient very quickly. Brook sighs and grabs his essentials, phone, wallet and keys. Walking out of his room, he was instantly met with a very angry Vivian. "I really hate you sometimes." He mutters as they walk out and lock up.

Sitting in the parking lot as the car warms up, Brook looks towards his girl bestfriend, "Who we picking up?" He asks.

"Well, Andy's at Rye's and then we need to pick up Chloe and her date at her's." Brook nods and starts driving onto the main road, to the first house, Rye's. "Are you drinking tonight?" Vivian asked. Brook glances over to her, but quickly he returns his eyes to the road, "No, why?"

"The others were wandering. They want a drink tonight."

"Well, they're welcome to." Brook turns into the driveway of Rye's house and beeps the horn. Although waiting at least five minutes, none of them had came out. "For fucks sake." Brook muttered under his breath. "They're probably fucking." Vivian stated, as she leant out of the window to scream. "Stop sucking each other off and get out here."

A minute had went by and both Rye and Andy walked out of the house in a cool and calm manner. "We weren't sucking each other off." Andy sternly says as he climbs into the car after Rye.

"I beg to differ." Rye muttered, in which made Andy whack him on the shoulder for admitting his lie. Brook chuckles as he starts the car again. Reversing onto the road he headed for Chloe's apartment. The short distance was quiet, Andy and Rye muttering to themselves, Vivian staring at her phone, and Brook focusing on the road, they arrived at Chloe's place.

She came with her date to the car and so Andy had to sit on Rye's lap to make room for them all, luckily none of them minded. "Hey guys, this Harper... Harper this is Brook at the wheel, Viv next to him and this is Andy and Rye." She introduced. They all said a small hello, as Brook drove off towards the clubs direction.


Ten minutes down the journey and Vivian spots a gas station, "Lets go get some pregame drinks." Brook cringed at the thought, "I don't know guys." But with that everyone started to shout at him for being a party pooper, and so he was peer pressured to drive into the service stop.

Walking into the small shop, the bell from the door alerted the shop keeper and he raised his head. As Brook was the last to walk in, he caught eyes with the keeper. His breath hitched and his heart beat rose. He couldn't believe his eyes, but he was interrupted as Vivian pulled at his arm. Brook stumbled forward and caught up with his friends.

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