Rᴀɴᴅʏ | One Night

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| One Night | Au

Ship(s); Rye and Andy
Context; mentions suicide? But not much? I don't know it's not too bad but still be careful.
Info; Rye was on a run when he Saw a guy on the edge of jumping off a bridge.

| Rye |

As I jog in the cold night, music was blaring in my ears. It was one of those nights where I just couldn't sleep, so I always go on a run to free my mind. As I turn the corner to the main road, I slow down as I see something strange at the bridge that I cross on all my runs.

There was one figure standing on the edge of the bridge holding onto the lamp. I stop and just watch them stand there. They slowly let go of the lamp and their foot hovers over the edge.

They look like they were about to jump, and so my instinct kicks in and I jog over to them. "You know if you jump, you will most likely die?" I say as I stand behind them. They turn around and reveal themselves to be a guy. Maybe a round my age if not older.

"That is kind of the point." He says quietly. I shrug and lift myself up on the ledge next to him. I look down at the flowing stream. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm stepping inside your shoes, I want to know why?" I say as I look at him with a grin. I don't know why, especially as it's the wrong time but I was smiling. Maybe the idea could make him smile. "Why what?"

"Well, why today? Why not tomorrow, it's a Sunday you know. God won't mind. Or why this bridge? There is one down that way you know. It's very pretty there. But I think the real question I want to know is, why do it at all?" I ask on. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I mean sure, I don't know who you are, or what your life is like but no matter how bad of a scenario I could think of, I don't see any way I could just end my life."

"Well, you haven't lived mine."

"Exactly!" I say a little louder than expected. "Whoops too loud," I chuckle. "I just want to know why such a gorgeous guy like you would want to end it all." I say a little close to his face. And being so close I saw the puffy cheeks and red rimmed eyes. "Why? you're a total stranger."

"I don't know, I guess I just want to be a Good Samaritan." I sigh as I sit down on the ledge. "Seeing you up here, maybe I just wanted to do something good in my life." I say looking down.  To be honest my life had been a wreck and many of times I had been in the same position as him. I just never had anyone to stop me but myself.

"You know this was the first place I found once I had moved here. I would always take this route to school, for my runs and I would stop and just think, here." I say as I look out into the river. "I would spend hours sitting here, in this exact same spot and just think."

"What would you think about?" He says as he sits down next to me. I smile internally as he slowly steps back from doing what he was going to do. "Everything." I breathed out.

"Family, friends, school, work. Music... now that's what no one knows about me, I write songs here sometimes. So we're not strangers anymore." I say in matter of fact.

"I write too." He mutters.

"Ooo, we should collab sometime." I say with a massive grin. "Although I'm not so good at the guitar, I've been learning but I just can't get my fingers to stay in the right places." I mime a guitar, acting as if I was playing one right now.

"A trick is to stretch your fingers, it might sound weird but if you just do these different exercises you'll be able to reach different notes. And get more comfortable with playing the guitar." He explains to me. I nod taking in the information.

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