Randy | The Devil's Son 1

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| The Devil's Son | Au

Sʜɪᴘ; Rye & Andy

Cᴏɴᴛᴇxᴛ; I've had a Tik Tok song stuck in my head all day, so this is the result of that. Also I don't know much about this topic so I'm sorry if there are some incorrect things.

Iɴғᴏ; Rye is Satan's son, Andy is the Goddess' son. Rye was sent to earth to live his life like a human but causes havoc and so andy is sent to keep him straight.

| Andy |

"What do you mean I have to go down there?" I shout at my mother, who's the Goddess of earth. "Son please calm down, Satan's son was sent down there to spend his teenage years as a human but he's causing havoc and I want you to go down there and calm him down, before he destroys everything that I created."

I sigh, "But why do I have to go, why can't Brook go?"

"Because I trust you more, you're the best angle here and I know that if someone was going to look after Ryan it would be you." I cross my arms over my chest and think. "Please Son, if you care about the world, make him stop."

"Fine mum."

"Charlie will give you you're profile and you will stay with a nice family. I wouldn't ask you do to this son, if I knew you wouldn't be able to handle this." I sigh and nod, walking off to meet with Charlie.


I got down to earth and settled with the family I was staying with. Turns out they were really nice and they had a son that was in the same year as me, so he was able to help me with school stuff. I sat on my new bed reading my profile, I had school in twenty minutes, so I just needed a touch up of what I needed to know so I wasn't found out.

My name was still Andy but my last name was now Fowler instead of Cassiel. I was seventeen and I am a foster child who found a family after moving around a lot. The last place I lived was Manchester, but now I was living in London.

There was a knock on my door and I quickly shove the file under my bed, "Andy you ready for school? We have to get there early, so you can get your schedule and stuff." Sonny spoke as he walked in, I smile at him and grab my bag.


Walking into the school, I instantly feel eyes on me. I try to ignore them and follow Sonny to the office. "I have football practice but just go in there and they'll give you everything you need." I nod and thank him for the ride to school. He walks away and I walk in.

After getting all the stuff I need, I step out and look around to try find my locker. As I walk down the corridor, my sense of death kicks in and I look around and see a lot of students walking in the same direction. I follow them and I see a crowd forming around two guys. I push through the crowd and see Ryan over a guy with a purple face. Ryan's expression was full of rage and there were slight gold glowing veins forming on the side of his face.

I reach back into reality and quickly step forward, "Ryan stop." I whisper in my angel voice, that only Angels and devils could hear. His face moves towards me and he looks overly surprised. "What's going on down there?!" Students start to disperse around us at the voice and I panic and grab onto Ryan, running away from everyone. Finding a closet, I push him inside and lock the door behind me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I hear Ryan seethe. I shush him as I hear footsteps near the door.

Once it was silent behind the door, I turned back to Ryan, being instantly met with golden red eyes and a gold veins around them. "Put those away, you don't scare me." I say. He blinks and they go back to his brown eyes. "Ok, why are you here Andrew? Did my father send you?"

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