2: Trials

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Caroly's P.O.V.

I woke up after a while when it was time for dinner. I got downstairs and I found my dad home.

"Alola..." I said with a sleepy face.

"Alola, Caroly! Were you sleeping?" My father asked.

"Yes..." I replied.

"Come and sit with us so that sleep just goes away!" Aunt Emma said.

"Okay..." I replied as I sat on the table.

"Tomorrow you'll be meeting the Kahuna of Mele Mele Island." My father said.

"Why?" I asked quite curious.

"You'll see..." He replied with a mysterious look.

After the dinner, we all went to bed. Me and my Pokémon were the only ones who were still awake.

"Why do you think that we have to meet the Kahuna tomorrow?" I asked.

"I don't know, but we should be sleeping if we want to wake up on time..." Glacia said.

"This whole thing is making me electric!" Electra said excited.

"Goodnight everyone..." Snowflake said letting out a yawn.

"Goodnight!" We all replied.

On the next day, we woke up earlier than usual and we went to have breakfast. Aunt Emma had just made pancakes!

"This looks delicious!" I said.

"It's even more delicious if you actually sit down and eat it!" She said playfully.

And that's what I did. I sat down and had my breakfast. It was great!

After that, I said goodbye to my aunt and Vaporeon (since my father was already at his work) and I went to meet the Kahuna.

When I got there, he was already waiting for us.

"Alola! You might be Caroly, aren't you?" He said.

"Alola! Yes that's me..." I replied.

"Let me introduce myself first," He said "My name is Hala and I'm the Kahuna of Mele Mele Island. You may have noticed that there are no Gyms in Alola. We have trials instead."

"Trials?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, trials! You have to complete your first trial by defeating a totem Pokémon and after that moving on to the grand trial to challenge the Island's Kahuna."

"Woah, that's awsome!" I said.

"And that's not all! If you win on a trial you'll be rewarded with a z-crystal that contains a special move called z-move!" He said.

"Z-move?" I asked.

"Yes. They are special moves that can be taught to a Pokémon that knows a move of the same type as the z-crystal. But watch out! These can only be used once in each battle!" He kept explaining. "But before using z-moves you'll need a z-ring. Without it z-crystals and z-moves would be useless"

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