18: Heading to the Altar of the Sun

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Caroly's P.O.V.

Finally, after all these unexpected events, we were finally heading to the Altar of the Sun now with the new Team Snowspark member, Silvally, and our new friend Jake.

We were already a pretty big group. I mean, it was me, Alex, Maya, Talia, Taylor and Jake.

I was kind of glad of having them all by my side and that they always stayed there.

Now, we were going to look for Nebby, the Solgaleo that Ash and his friends raised. I needed to talk to him so I could ask about my ability.

Of course before getting there we had to defeat some wild pokémon and I took the chance to train with Ivy.

Now we were battling against a Gibble, a dragon/ground type pokémon.

"Ivy use swift!" I said as the evolution pokémon threw some stars at the wild pokémon.

The Gibble used dig but Ivy could easily dodge the attack.

"Ivy, use baby doll eyes!" I commanded as she used the attack that left the Gibble infatuated.

He was completely immobilized by love.

"Ivy, now let's finish this!" I said as we started doing the pose for the normal-type z-move. "Breakneck blitz!"

The wild Gibble fainted.

Then I looked at Ivy as she had started to glow. She was evolving!

She had evolved into a Sylveon.

"Ivy, you evolved!" I said as I hugged her "I thought you said you didn't want to evolve..."

"And I didn't..." She said "But with your love and affection, I think that I had to show you how thankful I am for that... Thank you for respecting my decision!"

"Always!" I said as I let a tear fall down my face.

"Now let's find the truth about your ability!" Ivy said as I nodded and we kept on heading to the Altar.

After a while we got there. It was exactly as I remembered.

We all started calling out for Nebby.

He didn't show up... I was starting to think that this was all a bad idea and that I would never find the reason of my ability.

"We have to stay for the night... It's starting to get dark." Taylor said "Tomorrow we'll keep on looking for Solgaleo."

We all agreed as we mounted our tents and prepared the dinner.

Later on, everyone went to their respective tents.

But for some reason I couldn't sleep. It had been a long and tiring day but I wasn't tired at all.

That's when I got out of my tent, carefully to not wake my pokémon up, and I sat outside on a big rock observing the stars.

They looked so pretty! It was so calm and silent, you could feel the soft breeze.

That's when I noticed something coming from the sky. I took another look and actually recognized the silhouette. It was Nebby!

I started running towards him until we met each other.

"Nebby, good to see you!" I said.

"Good to see you too." He replied "I know the reason why you came here..."

"You do!?" I asked.

"Yes... And I have the answer for the question that you keep asking yourself." He said.

"Do you really know the reason I have the ability to talk to pokémon!?" I asked.

"Yes" He nodded "It has been with you all along."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

Suddenly a Mew became visible to us.

"Alola! I'm Mew and I'm responsible for your ability!" The new species pokémon said.

"W-what?" I said.

"It's simply because I chose you." He said "Lots of pokémon struggle a lot and people aren't aware of that. You are pure of heart and I belive that you could be the one helping pokémon in need." He said.

"So what can I do?" I asked.

"Travel to all the regions that you can with the mission of helping the pokémon." He replied.

"I'll do that for sure!" I said.

"In case that you need me, you can simply call me and I'll be there for you!" The Mew said as he turned invisible again.

"Now that you know the truth, I can leave." The Solgaleo said.

"Thank you for your help!" I said as I hugged him.

"No problem." He said as he left.

I went back to my tent and finally got to sleep.

I had a big mission ahead and I couldn't disappoint Mew. I was chosen to help the pokémon and that's what I'd do!

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