8: Training

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Caroly's P.O.V.

We were at the pokémon center waiting for our pokémon. It took just some minutes but it felt like eternity.

While we were waiting, we were talking about ourselves and our lives before starting our journeys.

"I never went to the Kanto league even though I had all the eight badges..." I said.

"Really!? Why not??" Alex asked.

"Because I was so scared... Mostly because of my ability..." I answered.

"I actually never got the chance to explore the Kanto region and get my badges. I'm not a very patient person..." Alex confessed.

"That explains why Flare lost to Leafia and why you haven't evolved Charm yet!" Maya intervened.

"Maybe..." Alex said in a whisper tone that was almost inaudible.

We were interupted by nurse Joy.

"Here are you're pokémon." She said as we picked the pokéballs "We hope to see you again!"

After that, we got out of the pokémon center and went to start training. I was going to have a battle against Alex.

"Glacia, I choose you!"

"Flare, I'm counting on you!"

"Glacia start with blizzard!" As I said that the fresh snow pokémon released the ice and snow from her mouth. I knew that it wasn't very effective, but I had my strategies.

"Flare, dodge it and go with bite!" The flame pokémon wasn't fast enough and couldn't avoid getting damage. He still tried to attack with the dark-type move, but he missed.

"What are you doing??" I asked "You have type advantage and still use bite?? Can't you use ember or flamethrower??"

"Oh..." Alex said soon realising. He probably used to forget about the types when he was in a battle.

"Then, Flare use flamethrower!" He said as Flare released the flames from his mouth for the super effective move. Of course I was already waiting for it so I quickly gave another command to my pokémon.

"Glacia dodge it and then use shadow ball!" I commanded.

Glacia successfully dodged the attack since she was faster than Flare, then she used shadow ball that had a successful hit leaving Flare with a lot of damage.

"Flare, you okay buddy?" Alex asked as the Flareon got up and nodded "Okay, use flamethrower again!"

"Glacia dodge and finish it with ice beam!" I said.

Glacia dodged it but couldn't avoid getting some damage from the flamethrower. That didn't stop her from using ice beam. It was another successful hit, and even though it wasn't very effective Flare fainted.

"Flareon is unable to battle, winner is trainer Caroly!" Maya announced.

"You've done good buddy..." Alex said as he petted Flare's head.

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