13: The twins

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Caroly's P.O.V.

I ran a lot but I could finally reach Alex's grand trial. They had ended already, but at least I could be there to celebrate with him.

When we were heading to the pokémon centre, Alex thanked me and gave me a hug. I blushed. I could hear Electra giggling and then I looked at Maya. She was smirking.

"Is everything ok Maya?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! It couldn't be better!" She replied.

It was pretty suspicious... What was she planning? I preferred to ignore that as we kept on walking.

I still was holding the egg with Electra on my shoulder. That's when I felt the egg move.

"Guys... The egg just moved. That means that It'll hatch soon!" I said excitedly.

"That's awesome!" Alex said.

"I can't wait to see that little Eevee!" Maya said.

"I believe that it's parents can't wait either!" I said.

"Just a question... Who is going to keep the Eevee?" Maya asked.

"Of course it should be Caroly since it's her who is taking care of the egg!" Alex said.

"I'm afraid that if I don't keep it Glacia will freeze me!" I said as we all laughed.

We kept on walking. The pokémon centre wasn't very far, but as we were heading there, suddenly we heard voices.

"Why are you in our territory?" One of the voices said.

"I see bad luck in your future if you don't leave." The other voice said.

In front of us, a purple long haired girl with pink eyes and a black short haired boy with yellow eyes showed up, who looked nothing more than an year older than us.

"Who are you?" Maya asked.

"I'm Talia and this is my twin brother Taylor!" The girl said.

"And this is our territory so you're not allowed to pass!" The boy, I mean, Taylor said.

"Since when do you own this place!?" Maya asked.

"That's non of your business..." Taylor said.

"Hold on brother... There's something weird about that girl holding the egg... I can feel something..." Talia said pointing at me.

"Should we send out Blackout and Lavender?" Taylor asked.

"That won't be needed..." Talia said. "If the girl with the egg win a battle against me, you'll be able to come here whenever you want. Do you accept it?"

She was talking about me? What did she feel about me? A battle? Why?

"I accept it..." I said nervously. I would never refuse a pokémon battle.

So we were starting out the battle. I was very nervous and could feel my heartbeat accelerating. That's when Talia send out her pokémon.

"Let's do this, Lavender!" Talia said as she sent out a female Espeon.

"Ivy, I choose you!" I said as I sent out my Eevee.

"Lavender, use psychic!" Talia commanded as the sun pokémon used the psychic-type move.

"Ivy, dodge it and use bite!" I said as the evolution pokémon dodged the attack and used the super effective dark-type move causing a lot of damage then caused Lavender to flinch.

"Use bite one more time!" I said as Ivy fainted the sun pokémon.

At the end of the battle, we both sent our pokémon back to their pokéballs.

"I knew that there was something weird about you, Carolina or should I said, Caroly." Talia said.

"H-how do you know my name!? I haven't even told you!" I said scared.

"Because your feelings in the battle allowed me to read you like a book with the help of Lavender..." Talia said with a smirk.

"W-what!?" I asked. I was starting to get really scared and uncomfortable.

"I also know that your friends' names are Alex and Maya, and... That you have the ability to talk to pokémon, aren't I right?" Talia said making me even more scared.

"Did you think that you could actually escape the psychic powers of my sister?" Taylor said with a grin.

"P-psychic powers!?" I said with my voice trembling.

"Leave her alone!" Alex said as he got in front of me, protecting me.

"I don't think so... Blackout, come out!" Taylor said as he sent out a male Umbreon. "If you don't back off, Blackout will use crunch on you!"

"Relax brother... The girl is scared already... There's no need on scaring another one..." Talia said.

I have to admit that I wasn't a fan of Talia's psychic powers... They were scaring me to death...

"What will we have to do so you won't tell her secret to anyone?" Maya asked not standing the situation anymore.

"Let us go with you on your journey..." Talia said. "I also want to know more about the origin of her ability..."

"Ok, we have a deal! Now leave Caroly alone..." Maya said.

"Alright!" Talia made a signal to Taylor who sent his pokémon back to his pokéball.

N-now t-they were staying with us!?

I started to panick... Talia and Taylor scared me so much.

"You don't need to be scared... " Talia said as she was looking at me. "I was also very afraid of telling others about my psychic powers... You don't need to be afraid only because I found out about your secret because a few people know about mine..."

I don't know why, but that pacified me... Her voice was so soft and firm compared to Taylor's that was quite rude.

I had no idea that other people could have powers and would be afraid of telling others.

Now I see what was that battle for. She didn't even take time to try to win because she was using Lavender only to reach my thoughts from my pokémon.

What a smart girl...

Now we were passing the area where we were and kept going to the pokémon centre. Alex needed to heal his pokémon since he didn't do that after finishing the trial, also Talia had to heal Lavender and I needed to heal Ivy.

When we arrived at the pokémon center, we gave nurse Joy our pokémon so she could heal them up.

While we were waiting, Talia and Taylor were talking about themselves since we didn't get to do ask them anything, specially me who was really scared.

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