12: Alex's first trial

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Caroly's P.O.V.

We were in a ship returning back to the Mele Mele island where Alex was going to do his first trial. He was quite nervous so I was trying to calm him down as Maya was telling him some good battle strategies.

I was holding Glacia's egg and Electra was on my shoulder paying attention at the sea. She loved to observe the sea and the pokémon that were there. That explained why she was very close to Vaporeon.

I don't know if I had mentioned it before, but Electra and Vaporeon were pretty good friends. I missed him so much... 'Hey! Why don't I visit my aunt while Alex is on his trial?' I thought to myself.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see his trial and support him, but I also missed my aunt and Vaporeon.

"Alex, Maya, may I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure!" They both replied.

"While you two are in the trial, could I visit my aunt? I miss her and her Vaporeon..." I asked.

"Of course you can!" Maya said.

"Yeah! But when you go, try to give me support from your mind!" Alex said.

"I'm not a psychic to do that, but I sure hope that you'll win!" I said with a smile.

Alex smiled back at me. I guess that was enough to calm him down a bit. He looked so cute when he smiled.

We finally arrived at the Mele Mele island's port. I was going on a different direction from Alex and Maya.

"We'll meet up right here. And please don't forget to tell me every detail of the grand trial!" I said.

"Of course!" They both said.

So now I was heading to my aunt's house. I've been 5 years here in Alola so I know the whole region like the palm of my hand.

Electra was still on my shoulder as I was carrying the egg on my hands.

"So we are going back home? I wasn't expecting it to be so soon..." Electra said.

"Don't worry, we'll try to be as fast as we can. I still want to see if we can get to Alex's grand trial... I feel terrible for not being there..." I said.

"Why? Do you like him or something?" Electra asked.

I blushed.

"No... He is a friend and you should always be there for your friends..." I said nervously.

"You know that I can read your feelings, right?" Electra said with a smirk.

Crap, I forgot about this ability that pokémon have...

"Hey look! There it is our house!" I said pointing at the house, changing the subject. I went there and knocked on the door.

It took a while, but my aunt opened the door.

"Alola!" I greeted her.

"Alola, Caroly! Why are you here?" My aunt asked.

"One of my friends is doing his first trial and I took the chance to visit you!" I explained.

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