17: Locked inside

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Caroly's P.O.V.

I was locked inside the Team Rocket's hideout. Giovanni told them to lock me there because of my ability and he wanted me to become a member of the team.

There was no way that I could get out of this... None of my friends knew that I was here... I was so scared. I didn't know what they were going to do with me if I didn't accept.

I checked out my pokéballs. I still had them all! I had Glacia, Snowflake, Ivy and Dark with me! At least I wasn't alone. I decided to release them all out of their pokéballs.

They wouldn't be able to break the door or anything, but at least I wouldn't feel so lonely.

Type: Null's P.O.V.

I was kicked out of the Team Rocket's hideout together with Electra. It happened when I was forced to team up with a trainer that happens to be the daughter of my creator.

I never liked the kid and I still didn't. But I knew that the others would be worried about her so I was going to try to tell them anyways.

They didn't have the same ability as Caroly but they had to understand, otherwise that kid would be stuck in there forever or even worse, she'd become part of that stupid team.

So Electra and I were trying to explain the situation to the others.

"Type: Null, what has happened to my daughter?" The professor asked.

"She is a prisioner of Team Rocket!" I said but of course he didn't understand me.

"I can feel something..." The psychic girl said.

"Good or bad?" Alex asked.

"Bad... I'll need Lavender's help so she can tell me what's going on telepathically..." Talia said as she sent the mentioned Espeon out of her pokéball.

"What's going on?" The Espeon asked gently.

"Caroly became a prisioner of Team Rocket after Giovanni found out about her ability to talk to pokémon..." I said.

Lavender then turned to it's trainer and started communicating with her telepathically.

"Caroly is a prisioner since Giovanni found out about her ability..." Talia said.

"WHAT!?" All the humans said except for Jake.

"What ability are we talking about?" Jake asked.

"Caroly has the ability to talk to pokémon." Maya said.

"Oh no! My uncle will probably try to make her become part of Team Rocket!" Jake said.

"So we must hurry!" Alex said.

"C'mon, I'll get y'all in!" Jake said.

We all got inside. While the humans were trying to find the girl, I was following her smell. Electra for some reason came with me... What an annoying Pikachu...

We finally arrived at a room. It was all locked up and looked impossible to break in. There were two grunts near the door that Electra and I easily defeated and we were trying to get the door open.

Electra evolved into a Raichu and used iron tail while I was using x-scissor. The door could resist one of each attack, but it couldn't resist to multiple attacks.

We finally broke in and we saw Caroly with her other pokémon: Glacia, Snowflake, Ivy and Dark.

She was so happy to see us.

"Type: Null, Electra! You c-came for me?" She said as I could see a tear fall down on her face.

"It was Type: Null's idea... I just followed him..." Electra said.

"Thank you, Type: Null!" Caroly thanked me as she hugged me.

Then I felt something strange... Wait, was I feeling 'happy'? Is this what happiness feels like? I started getting flashbacks of all the times that Caroly tried to befriend with me and I was rude to her. I remembered about her cheerful expression that wouldn't give up on trying to make me happy... I could never forget about those warm hugs...

My flashbacks were interrupted as I suddenly started evolving.

I-I had evolved...

"Type: Null, you evolved into Silvally! That's so cool!" Caroly said happily giving me another hug.

I never really liked hugs, but this time it was different. I didn't know what this girl had done to me but I kinda felt happy about it...

"Let's get out of here before any other grunts show up." I said as I broke from the hug.

"Alright!" Caroly said as she sent her pokémon back to their pokéballs.

We got out of there as soon as possible and reunited all the group while escaping.

We were all outside again, without anyone missing.  Mission completed I should say. It was quite easy to escape, but I didn't care, as long as everyone was fine it would be alright.

"Hey everyone..." Jake said "Would you mind me joining you? I hate being here watching my uncle doing his dirty job..."

"Sure you can!" Caroly said "I mean, it was you who helped us anyways..."

He smiled.


We were all out of there and we had arrived at prof. Liam's lab.

Did this mean that I was getting to be inside of that pokéball again!?

"Caroly, it was very dangerous what you and your friends have done..." The professor said.

"I know dad..." Caroly replied.

"But... You could not only save me with the help of Type: Null, that is now Silvally, and you also escaped thanks to him." He continued "Nobody could ever handle this pokémon, but since you could... You can keep him!"

"Are you serious??" She asked.

"Yes." He responded.

"Yay!" The girl jumped with happiness. "Did you hear that Silvally? Now you're part of Team Snowspark as well!"

I was now part of a team?? I have to admit... That was awesome!

I immediately jumped on my new trainer and started nuzzling her.

"Hahaha! Silvally that tickles!" Caroly said as I stopped and she petted my head.

This day was a very strange one with a lot of different emotions that turned it unforgettable.

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