10: Inside the Icy Cave

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Caroly's P.O.V.

Snowflake had just evolved into an alolan Ninetails. I was really happy about it, specially because I've spent 5 years without evolving her. I guess I was just used to carry her around that I never thought of actually evolving her.

I couldn't believe that the egg that I took care of and had so much fun with when it hatched, is very strong now.

Back to us being in that icy cave. We were exploring it, but now that I think a bit... Why were we even there? I mean... I was the only one in our group that was interested in ice-type pokémon... Why did Maya suggest that we'd go there?

"Maya... Just a question... Why did we even come here?" I asked.

"So Alex could actually train against some ice-type pokémon. And besides, now that were in a different island I could maybe challenge the Kahuna!" She responded with her strong french accent.

"Oh, okay..." I replied.

Then we ran into a different Sandshrew group, that I actually recognized. They were the first two that you have to defeat before the totem pokémon so you can get the z-crystal of the ice-type move, the icium z.

"Alex, send out one of you're pokémon." Maya said.

"Ok. Flare, let's go buddy!" Alex said as the Flareon got in battle since he was already out of his pokéball.

The wild Sandshrews used metal claw so Alex gave a command to his pokémon.

"Flare, use flamethrower!"

The flame pokémon shot the flames from his mouth which caused good damage since it was an effective move. The wild Sandshrews did not give up as they used rapid spin which ended up hurting Flare.

"You okay?" Alex asked as Flare got up and nodded. "Ok, now use ember!"

The flareon did exactly what he was told to and fainted the two pokémon.

"Awesome! You've done good buddy!" Alex said cheerfully.

"Do you think that it's over already?" Maya said pointing at a Sandslash that was bigger than usual.

"Why is he so big??" Alex asked as his cheerful expression faded away.

"That's the totem pokémon. You better defeat him!" Maya said.

"Here we go again... Flare use flamethrower!" Alex said.

The attack caused half of damage on the totem pokémon since it was super effective. He then used metal claw that left Flare very weak.

"That's enough buddy. Come back!" Alex said as he sent Flare back inside his pokéball. "Let's finish this, Charm! Use Fire spin!"

The Charmeleon successfully hit his target which caused the big pokémon to faint.

After the Sandslash was defeated, he got up and handed a z-crystal to Alex. It was the steel-type z-crystal. Weird... When I did that the last time he handed me an icium-z... Oh well, whatever.

"Thank you!" Alex thanked the totem pokémon as he sent Charm back to his pokéball. "I finally have a z-crystal!"

"But you need a z-ring to use, you idot!" Maya said.

"Oh... So how do I get one??" Alex asked.

"The island's Kahuna should give it to you..." I said.

"So let's talk to them!" Alex said excitedly.

"Whoa, hold on there! Let's focus on getting out of this cave and then we'll go to the pokémon center." Maya said "It's getting late an we should camp for tonight."

"I know the way! Follow me!" I said.

We eventually managed to get out of the cave, got to the pokémon center, healed our pokémon then we started mounting out tents.

It was around 7.50 pm so we had to hurry before it got very dark. We actually had to take our pokémon out of their pokéballs so they could help too.

With team work we mounted the tents quite fast. Now Alex and Flare were making fire so we could cook the dinner. Alex had collected some sticks and said for Flare to use ember.

"There we go! A nice fire to keep us warm!" He said with pride.

"Now, who wants to help me to prepare the dinner?" I asked as everyone said that they wanted to help.

With their help, we finished faster than what I expected. We all sat down to enjoy the meal.

"This is so tasty!" Alex exclaimed.

"Actually, it is very good!" Maya said as well.

"It's because we all worked together to cook this!" I said cheerfully.

We didn't spend much time eating since the food was very good and we ate it really fast.

After that, we all went to our respective tents. We were very tired from the long day and everything that we did so it didn't take much time until we were all asleep.

What an amazing day!

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