1: An old friend

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Caroly's P.O.V.

As I arrived at the airport I got my bag and picked Snowflake up carrying her on my arms as Glacia was following behind.

We got out of the plane and got inside the airport. Of course there was nobody to pick me up since I was going to meet my father at his work. It wasn't a big problem though... I've been there a few times with my mom and I had my Pokémon with me. So I got out of the airport and started walking to my father's work. It was quite peaceful and relaxing, and since there was nobody around, I decided to talk with my Pokémon.

"So girls, what surprise do you think that father has for us?" I asked.

"Probably he just said that so you could visit him at his work" Glacia said.

"Maybe he's going to be offering some berries!" Snowflake said excitedly.

"Well... We'll have to wait to know the answer to that question..." I replied.

Yes, I can talk to Pokémon. I've had this ability since I was a little kid. I just never told anyone about it before because I was afraid of their reaction or that they would reject me... But thanks to that ability that me and Glacia met.

When I was going to get my starter Pokémon, Professor Oak said that he didn't have any Pokémon so I had to go and catch one myself. That's when I saw this Eevee. I've always wanted an Eevee since I knew that my aunt had one so I was kinda looking at her mesmerized. Prof. Oak saw that and immediately asked: "Would you like to catch that Eevee and start your journey with her?"

I, of course, replied with an excited "Yes" as Prof. Oak handed me a pokéball. I just walked towards the little Eevee and asked: "Would you like to be my partner in my journey?"

"Yes, I would." she responded.

After hearing that, I threw the pokéball that bounced three times and then made a 'click' sound. I had caught my first Pokémon! I was really happy that day and me and Eevee just became really great friends from that day on.

We were almost arriving at my father's work. You're probably curious to know what his job is. Well, he works at a lab doing experiments on Pokémon. Don't worry, his experiments are only to help needed Pokémon and it doesn't cause them any harm. My father worries so much about Pokémon that he wants to help them in every way possible.

We finally got there as my father was waiting for us outside.

"Alola, dad!" I said as a gave him a tight hug.

"Alola, my little girl!" He replied as he hugged me back "Oh yeah come in, I have a surprise for you..."

We got inside and he asked me something.

"Caroly, do you remember that little female Pichu you used to play around with?"

"Yes, of course I do!" I replied a little confused about the question.

Suddenly a Pikachu appeard from behind his legs.

"Electra? Is that you?" I asked quite surprised.

"Yes, it's her." My father said "I made some modifications in her DNA so she'll be protecting you."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

He whispered something in my ear actually telling me what her special ability was.

"Don't worry that's fine." He said "She doesn't seem to like her pokéball but you have to keep this anyways" He said as he handed me Electra's pokéball.

"You can go to your aunt's house now... I'll find you there soon." My father said.

"Okay!" I said as I gave him a goodbye kiss and Electra got on my shoulder.

We were heading to aunt Emma's house as we were chatting with each other.

"I haven't seen you in ages Electra and I can't believe that you're my Pokémon now!" I said.

"I know! I'm so electric!" Electra replied. (A/N: When Electra says that she's 'electric' she means 'excited')

"Now we are a bigger group!" Snowflake said.

"I hope that we can become even stronger." Glacia said.

We kept on talking until we arrived at aunt Emma's house. I knocked on the door and waited there for her to open it. The door suddenly opened only to show up the cheerful expression of my aunt.

"Alola!" I said quite excited.

"Alola, dear! Come in" She said.

I started to look around...

"Auntie... Where's Eevee??" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" She said with a playful look on her face which got me confused. Then I felt someone touching me from behind. I turned around to see who it was, and I was quite suprised.

"A Vaporeon?? Auntie... You evolved Eevee into a Vaporeon?? That's so cool!!" I said very happy.

"We found a water stone some days ago and he wanted to evolve with it, so I just gave it to him." She replied.

"That must have been so cool!" I said.

"Sure it was!" Auntie said with a smile on her face "Now, you must be tired from your long journey, why don't you rest a bit?"

"That's a good idea!" I said as I went to my room to take some rest.

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