6: A long time later

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Caroly's P.O.V.

It has been a while since I met Ash and his friends. They all went to the pokemon league and Ash actually won. He was so happy and couldn't even belive it.

We've had so many good times together, but unfortunately they all took different ways after that.

Kiawe wanted to become an island Kahuna, Sophocles wanted to become an astronaut, Lillie and her family went on a journey to find her father, Mallow wanted to make the cafeteria for pokémon clients as well, Lana and her father went on a journey to find Manaphy and Ash went back to Kanto since he wanted to become a pokémon master.

Those seemed like pretty awesome stuff! You might be thinking... But what about you?

Well... I was still in Alola, living with my dad and aunt. I didn't have any plans for the future... Everyone knew what they wanted, except for me...

It was true that I still have my team with me but would this be always the same? Wake up, have breakfast, train, have dinner and go back to bed? No, it couldn't be always like that... You know what? What if I went on a journey to learn more about my ability to talk to pokémon? Yes, that was it!

I wanted to know where it came from or why I had it. I'd just tell my dad and aunt about it and I'd pack up my stuff.

I couldn't wait to start my adventure!!

Right at dinner time I just told them about my plans.

"Dad, aunt Emma, I have something that I want to tell you about..." I said.

"Sure thing, we're all ears" My dad said.

"Okay sweetie, you can tell us!" Aunt Emma said.

"I have this ability... It's not a normal one..." I started quite nervous "Since I was younger... I had the ability to talk to pokémon... I've never told anyone about it, but now I want to go on a journey to find out the reason why I have it..."

I could barely look at them. I was so nervous that they would reject me because of my strange ability. They were silent for some time, looking at each other. I could feel my heart racing that when they actually answered, it almost stopped.

"Well..." My dad started "You could have told us sooner and we could actually have helped... But if you want to go an adventure, we won't stop you... And you have your pokémon to protect you anyways..."

"Darling, these are actually shocking news, but if that's what you want, then do it. We'll always be here for you!" Aunt Emma said tranquilizing me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said as I hugged them both "I'll start to pack my stuff and go to bed as soon as possible! I'm so excited for this adventure!"

I quickly had my dinner and went upstairs to pack my stuff. I picked ten pokéballs, some super potions, antidotes and revives, my favorite traveling clothes and all the essential stuff I needed. After that, I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

"Girls, our adventure will start tomorrow!" I said.

"I'm so electric!!" Electra said.

"This will be awesome! I can't wait to check so many cool places!" Ivy said.

"I hope that there's going to be a more fresh environment during this journey..." Glacia said.

"Imagine all the different types of berries that we could find!?" Snowflake said.

"Well, we'll see... Goodnight everyone!" I said.

"Goodnight!" they all said.

An Alolan Adventure (Pokémon Sun & Moon) [✔]Where stories live. Discover now