19: Confession

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Caroly's P.O.V.

On th night before, I had found the reason why I had my ability and I wasn't disappointed at all. I just felt bad that my friends didn't get to be there.

When they'd wake up I'd tell them everything. I couldn't wait!

They wouldn't believe it! Or maybe they wouldn't be very surprised since my ability was actually the big surprise. But still they wouldn't be like if nothing happened.

'Ok, let me stop thinking about their reactions and actually tell them.' I thought.

I had to tell everyone, even the pokémon. So I called everyone up as we were all reunited outside the tents.

"So, last night I had a meeting with a pokémon..." I started "It was Solgaleo."

"Really!?" Everyone asked in shock.

"Yes" I continued "And I asked him about my ability."

"What did he say??" Alex asked.

"He told me that the reason why I had my ability was with me all along." I said "That's when a Mew joined in our conversation."

"Mew!?" They looked even more surprised.

I nodded. "Mew was the one who gave me my ability and also a mission. I have to meet with a lot of pokémon and help all the ones that I can."

"Whoa! That's awesome!" Alex said.

"And what are you going to do so you can complete the mission?" Maya asked.

"Mew told me to visit as many regions as I can, so that means I'll be leaving Alola very soon..." I said.

"L-leaving??" Alex asked. He looked very shocked about it.

"Yes..." I said.

I stopped to think a little bit as I realized that it was actually quite scary to leave. Going to a completely new region that I had never been to.

After telling them the news we started packing up our stuff since we were going back to Mele Mele island.

Alex looked very sad at the news... He wasn't talking much and his extroverted personality seemed to have vanished. The idea of me moving to a different region made him very sad. But why?

I didn't have much time to think about it as we got a ship back to Mele Mele island.

Maya's P.O.V.

Caroly recently found out why she had her ability and we were returning to Mele Mele island.

What I wasn't very concerned about was the fact that Alex got very sad about the idea of Caroly leaving.

It looked like I had to put this two together earlier than I expected.

It was clear that Caroly wasn't very happy with the idea of leaving either.

What could I do? I had to make a way for them to confess to each other... The big question was 'How?'

That's when I got an idea. What if I told them to meet each other? 'That's it! Maya you're a genius!' I thought 'And if they don't confess to each other I swear I'll do that myself!'

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