9: A new evolution

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Caroly's P.O.V.

We were again at the pokémon center. While we were waiting, I was calling my aunt.

"Alola!" I said cheerfully.

"Alola, sweetheart!" Aunt Emma replied "How have you been?"

"I've been doing just fine. I know it has been a day since I left but it seems so much longer than that!" I said.

"I can relate. Vaporeon has been missing you a lot..." She said.

"Awe, poor little guy... We miss him too..." I said

"Anyways... Have you got any news you'd like to tell me?" She asked.

"Yes, I have! I made new friends. Their names are Alex and Maya! They are all really cool and today we were training." I said.

"Training already? You don't miss a chance, do you?" My aunt said with a laugh.

"Hehehe, I guess you're right! Our pokémon are healed... Gotta go, bye!" I said as I heard nurse Joy call for us.

"Bye!" Aunt Emma said as I ended the call.

I went to be with my friends near the counter that nurse Joy was with our pokémon.

"Thank you for waiting. Here are you're pokémon." She said as she handed our pokémon back. "Hope to see you again!"

"So where are we going to eat??" Alex asked after we got out of the pokémon centre.

"Where going to the Aina cafeteria where my friend Mallow works." I said with a smirk.

"You have a friend that works at the Aina cafeteria!? That's the best cafeteria of the whole Alolan region!" Maya said.

"Well, yeah!" I said.

"Let's go then!" Alex said impatiently.

We headed to the cafeteria. I missed the times when me and my old friends would come as a group and spend our time together.

It's not that I didn't like my new friends... It's just that I missed the old ones. That's the point of a journey I guess... You meet a lot of amazing people and at some point you have to say 'goodbye'...

I was interrupted from my thoughts as Mallow came and asked if we were ready to order.

"Just the usual for me and my pokémon." I said.

"Alright! And what about you two?" Mallow asked.

"I'm not sure about it... Everything looks delicious..." Maya said.

"Yes! It's so hard to decide!" Alex said.

"Then bring them the surprise menu!" I said with a smirk.

"Okay!" Mallow said as she went to the kitchen.

"Surprise menu!?" Alex and Maya asked.

"Yeah! If it's hard for you to decide, they'll bring you a random dish!" I said cheerfully.

We kept on chatting while we were waiting for our food being. It wasn't the same thing like when I was with my old friends, but I have to admit, I liked it. Alex and Maya were very funny and I liked their presence. Besides, I actually had friends that knew about my secret and I was so glad that they didn't reject me. They might even forget about it sometimes.

After a while, Mallow came with our food. We all released our pokémon out of their pokéballs so they could eat as well.

The food was as tasty as I remembered. I was pretty glad that I could share this with my new friends.

Again, I was snapped out of my thoughts to stare at our pokémon. Glacia and Flare seemed to like each other. It was so cute seeing them together.


When we finished eating, we were heading to the icy cave in the Ula'Ula island since Maya suggested it.

It was pretty exciting since I really liked the ice-type pokémon. If you hadn't noticed that until now, the two pokémon I came to Alola with were two ice-types, Glacia and Snowflake.

"It is pretty cold here!" Alex complained.

"It's the icy cave... WhAt WeRe YoU eXpEcTiNg!?" Maya shouted.

"I like this place." I said "Oh! I know who will like this place as well!"

I released Glacia and Snowflake out of their pokéballs.

"Now this is turning out good!" Glacia said.

"I love the cold!" Snowflake said.

"Of course, you're an ice-type pokémon!" Glacia said as she facepawed.

We kept walking inside the cave until we found a group of alolan Sandshrews.

"They're going to attack us!" Alex said panicked as he picked Flare's pokéball and released him.

"No, they're not!" I said "They are fixing up the wall structure!"

"Ohhh!" Alex said as he realised that "But I'll leave Flare out just in case..."

The flame pokémon got really excited as he got to spend more time with my glaceon. 

All of a sudden, from that Sandshrew group, a Sandslash came towards me.

"I see that you like the ice-type." He said "Take this as a gift from us!"

He handed me an ice stone! That was awesome! After that, I looked at my alolan Vulpix. She was staring at the ice stone.

Did she want to evolve!? I mean, I had never thought about evolving her before... I've had her for 5 long years now.

That's when I asked her "Snowflake, would you like to evolve?"

"Yes!!" She replied excitedly.

"Alright..." I said as I gave her the ice stone.

When I gave her the ice stone, she started evolving. She had evolved into an alolan Ninetails. That was so cool! No pun intended by the way...

She came towards me and hugged me.

"Thank you for letting me evolve!" She said with a smile.

"You're welcome!" I said as I hugged her back.

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