7: The adventure begins

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Caroly's P.O.V.

It was the day... It was finally the day that my adventure started!

You can't even imagine how excited I was for this.

Me and my pokémon woke up, had breakfast and got ready. My father was still at home since he wanted to say goodbye to me. So I just gave him and aunt Emma a tight hug.

"I will miss you so much!" I said.

"We will miss you too darling!" Aunt Emma said.

"Don't forget to call your mom frequently and try to contact us every time you can..." My father remembered me.

"I won't forget!" I said as I picked up my bag, Electra got on my shoulder and I sent my pokémon inside their pokéballs.

"Goodbye everyone!" I said with a tear in my eye.

All of a sudden Vaporeon came.

"Please take care of yourself and your pokémon. I will miss you everyday so never forget about me..." He said.

"Don't worry Vaporeon, we'll never forget about you!" I said as I petted his head "Goodbye buddy!"

"Goodbye..." He said. Poor little guy... He hated goodbyes.

I then opened the door and got out. I still couldn't believe that I was starting my own adventure.

Usually I didn't like to leave my pokémon inside their pokéballs, but since we were traveling and we didn't know how long we'd be out there, it was safer for them to stay in their pokéballs.

Only Electra stayed out of her pokéball since she didn't like to be inside of it. For me that was fine. At least I had someone to talk to during the journey.

We had been walking for a long time and it was already getting dark so I released my pokémon out of their pokéballs for us to mount our tent.

After that we were cooking our dinner. I actually brought a recipe book that my aunt had given me some time ago and it was a great help. When the dinner was ready we sat down and ate it.

"This is so good!" Snowflake said.

"It's one of the best meals that I've ever tasted!" Electra said.

"I have to admit, it's pretty decent..." Glacia said.

"When did you learn to cook so well??" Ivy asked.

"I learned by observing my mother and aunt... I can learn quite fast by just observing..." I replied.

"If we're going to be eating delicious food like this, then I don't want this journey to end!!" Snowflake said.

We all couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you only think about food!?" Glacia asked.

"Maybe..." Snowflake answered.

After dinner, we all went inside our tent since it was quite cold outside. When we got in I grabbed a blanket and covered myself.

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