11: A pokémon egg

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Caroly's P.O.V.

After having a good night of sleep, I woke up. I looked around the tent and then remembered about last night.

Then I gave another look at the tent. I looked at my pokémon that were still asleep. They were all so cute!

Everything seemed just fine until I gave a quick look at Glacia. 'Wait up... That think that she is curling up around... Is that a pokémon egg??' I thought.

I got closer to check if I wasn't seeing things. I went as silent as I could so I wouldn't wake Glacia up.

That's when I confirmed my suspicions. It was actually a pokémon egg. An Eevee egg to be more precise.

Was Glacia... Becoming a mom!?

'Ok, let me organize my thoughts... My Glaceon is curling up around an Eevee egg that probably belongs to her and I'm panicking...' I thought to myself.

I mean... I never thought about the probability of that happening. I knew that she was close to Flare, but I wasn't expecting this close. Wait... Was Flare actually the father??

I got out of the tent and found out that Alex was already awake.

"Good morning!" I said.

"Good morning!" Alex replied.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yes... And you?" He said.

"Same... Oh, now that you're awake, I have something to tell you!" I said excitedly.

"Really!? What is it??" He asked curiously.

"When I woke up I saw Glacia curling up around an Eevee egg... I think that the egg might belong to her and Flare..." I said with a wide smile on my face.

"A pokémon egg!? Whoa that's awesome!" He said amazed.

"Yeah... I'm actually glad that I brought an incubator with me." I said in relief.

We were interrupted by Flare who had just woke up looking for his trainer.

"Hello there, buddy!" Alex greeted.

Flare looked at Alex then let out a yawn.

"Hey Flare! I think you should check on Glacia. She's inside my tent." I told the fire-type pokémon.

He was still sleepy, but he's face face lighted up when he heard me say 'Glacia'. He ran up to the tent and then came back. This time he had Glacia with him.

I could see the grumpy look on her face when you wake her up.

"We're going to become parents!" Flare said excitedly.

I just smiled at that when Alex looked at me. 'Oh... I almost forgot that I'm the only one who can understand what pokémon said.' I thought as I turned to him and translated what his Flareon said.

"Glacia, may I pick up the egg and put it inside the incubator?" I asked.

"Sure..." She said still sleepy as she went back to the tent and brought the egg with her. She came towards me and handed me the egg.

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