14: Kidnapped

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Caroly's P.O.V.

At the pokémon center, we were waiting for our pokémon to get healed. While that, the two new members of our group, Talia and Taylor, were talking about themselves.

"I found out about my powers when I was about 6 years old when my mom was trying to hide the chocolate that she bought so Taylor and I wouldn't eat it..." Talia said.

"But when our mom would check it out, we would have eaten all the chocolate!" Taylor said.

We all laughed.

"Hey, Caroly," Talia said "Since you already met Solgaleo, Lunala and Necrozma... I think that Solgaleo could know about your ability's origin."

I looked at her. She had a point... Maybe Nebby actually knew the answer... I mean, I never took the time to ask him.

"So let's do this! Let's go and find Solgaleo!" I said determined.

"Alright!" Everyone said.

Nurse Joy came back with our pokémon and we got them back. Then we exited the pokémon centre, ready to go on our new destination, the Altar of the Sun.

We were walking until a black haired woman with brown eyes got in our way.

"Don't step any further!" The woman said. Somehow she looked familiar to me... But from where?

"Excuse moi, could you let us pass? We're in a bit of a hurry..." Maya asked politely.

"No, not until I get her back... Give me what you've stolen from me, Carolina!" The woman said. Wait... What did I stole from her? And most importantly, how did she know me?

"Hmm sorry, but could you remind me from where I know you?" I asked.

"Oh, so you don't know... I'm prof. Giselle... I've worked for years with your father, prof. Liam, and that pikachu... That Pikachu was part of my experience!" She said, making me confused.

"No way! My father gave me Electra for protection!" I said "I know he would never lie to me!"

"Darling... He didn't lie... He only didn't tell you the whole truth..." She said "I bet that you still remember playing around with her in the lab when she was still a Pichu and you were younger..."

"I do remember that..." I said getting flashbacks from those times.

"I was the one who actually caught her... So she technically was stolen from me when I left the lab..." She kept on saying.

"Well... I think that you're not telling me the whole truth as well... I'll check my father, then we'll see what should be done..." I said with my legs trembling. I didn't have a good feeling about this conversation and I was also scared that my father had lied to me all this time.

"Don't worry, you'll have to talk to him very soon..." She said with a mysterious grin as she left.

"What a weird woman..." Maya said.

"Yeah..." I replied but didn't have time to think too much because I got a call from my aunt.

"Alola!" I said as I answered the call.

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