Chapter One

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Sarah scanned through her room laying on the bed and a picture of her family caught her eyes.

"why did God put me in this family" my life is so different from the other girls! She exclaimed.

My classmates always talk about their parent's support and how they cared for them intensively.

The wind outside won't stop singing with the electric wire from the pole outside her compound. The goats and dogs are not helping with their sounds too.

"If the weather is unfair to you, you can just run to the wild and join other animals there!" she said from the window to the animals.

"Sarah! how long are you planning on staying in the room? you better come out and start your chores madam" her mom quarreled.

Sarah is a very beautiful girl, she is fair in complexion, dark hair weaved all back for school. At the age of 15 she looks like a full grown woman because of how life has treated her unfairly and no one cares.

She quickly changed into a short black jean and pink t-shirt, slip on her slippers and hurriedly joined her mom in the kitchen to avoid more scolding.

"How many times do I need to remind you that you are born poor Sarah, you have to write it somewhere in your heart so that you can recite it everyday after prayer" her mom still scolded after she made it to the kitchen carrying a keg to fetch water from the neighbours well.

"Sorry mummy, I will wake earlier tomorrow" she apologized.

"Go and do what you have to do fast!" her mom barked

Sarah ran out of the compound before her mom could hit her with the broom in her hands.

She passed some girls by already dressed for school, trekking and jisting as if they live in the sky. Sarah wished she was one of the girls with a life so perfect as they all have lollipops in their mouths. One of the girls muttered something to the others and they quickly glared and laughed so wickedly.

Sarah dropped the keg of water for the tenth times when her mom screamed her name. "Sarah! Your siblings are almost late for school, how long does it take you to fetch water for goodness sake?" Her mom continued.

" Quickly get them ready for school" she ordered.

"Sarah do you want to peel my skin" Jacob complained.

"Not with that again this children, just get ready and go to school!" Said their mom.

Jacob and John always complain over everything Sarah does for them. The age gap between them is huge, 10 years! The twins always trouble their big sister causing their mom to transfer all the stress of the day to the poor Sarah.

Their Dad on the other hand, is so irresponsible. He comes in late at night and goes out as early as 4:am to meet up with his staff bus.

Mr. James works as a labourer in a construction company. The little money he earn goes straight to liquor store and gambling. He couldn't careless about events at home, all he wants was his food and bed to sleep.

Mrs James sells all kinds of food stuffs to keep the family going. The business helps her with the payment of rent, food and some house supplies. School fee is always a big deal, the kids are usually sent home for one levy to another.

Shortly the students were on their way to school. Sarah held them tightly to avoid more scolding from her mom.


Everything happening in the class was too complicated for Sarah to comprehend. She did her best to understand just a little bit but nothing . She was always absent minded thinking about the next chores and errands to run at home.

Sarah got home about 2:30pm with her brothers and met her mom peeling cassava to make flour for business and home consumption.

"What took you so long, are you the only student learning in that school to stay long till this hour?" her Mom complained.

"Sorry ma," Sarah apologized.

"Sorry for yourself!" Her mom yelled.

"Now go in there and prepare something for your brothers and join me in peeling this cassava" her mom instructed.

Sarah prepared boiled yam and palm oil for lunch. They all ate and she joined her mom.

Sarah was in the room doing her homework after helping her mom with the cassava.

She stared at the math homework for sometime hoping that the math will solve itself.

"But why can't Mr. Victor just give me simple math? What is with this abc in mathematics? Finding 1a and 2-c" she thought and sighed.

She was about coping the questions half a page as answer when her mom walked in.

"What do you think you are doing with those books?" She asked.

"Doing my homework ma"

"Your what? You better go out there and hawk those oranges so I can deposit something for your brothers fee" she said pointing to the door.

"What about my fee?" Sarah asked.

"What fee? Where will I get it from? You better start thinking of skipping school next term and help me with sales here. Your brothers should go, graduate and get a good job so we can leave this poverty. As for you, any suitor that comes for you can do whatever he wants, send you to school or you learn a skill" her mom explained.

"Mummy but I'm still young and will soon finish secondary school, I promised to double all my efforts just don't let me quit school please" Sarah pleaded.

"Hey! That's enough, when I was sixteen I was already married to your dad, so you will grow into everything when you are married. Now go out there and sell off those oranges before it gets dark" her mom ordered.


Sarah walked many blocks with a full basket of oranges on her head worth #2000 but sold out only #100 so far.

"Orange girl!" A man called from a shop.

"Bring your oranges" he shouted.

Sarah hurriedly crossed to the shop.

"How much for 5 oranges?" He asked peeping through her slack blouse with v-neck without bra nor inner vest.

"#100 sir" Sarah replied putting out a polythene bag ready to count.

" Come inside the shop and count for me" he said.

She lifted her basket of oranges into the shop and was about to count when the man touched her nipple.

"Sir why did you touch me?" She asked with a frown.

"Touch what? Don't you want to sell your oranges all? I can buy all of them" the man showed her his sales from his drawer.

The thought of selling everything quickly to this strange man crossed Sarah's mind.

"Oh this man must be an angel, if he buys everything as he said, I will rush home and complete my homework" She thought and smiled.

" You look so beautiful, what's your name" he asked pulling her to the middle of the boutique.

"Sarah" she said sharply.

"S...s..sir, are you still buying all or not because my mom wants me back early" she complained.

"Don't worry I will buy everything, just sit on my lab" he said holding her hands.

She lost her balance and landed on his lab. She felt something hard from his short which seems to be erecting and the man was caressing her breast.

Sarah felt so strange that she tried getting up but the the man held her back.

Suddenly, a customer walked in and he pushed her away almost to the floor.

Hi, thanks for reading my book. Please stick around for all the chapters. Give me your thoughts, vote and support ❤️.

Don't mind the typos, still editing..

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