Chapter Sixteen

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Leonard's parents didn't want to express their disappointment from the treatment they got from Moriah's house. They remained quite all through their drive home feeling sorry for their son. His dad stroked his hands and smiled at him.

"You will see more if you love this girl son." His dad finally said.

"Thanks Pa"

"My dear, are you sure that Sarah is related to that woman?"
His mom asked folding her hands.

"Yes mom, Moriah is the elder sister to Sarah's father."

"What a world!" She said shaking her head.

"Poor girl...." His dad added.

"I love her and want to build my world around her."
He cuts in not allowing more pity from them.

His dad parked the car and the family walked in with their shoulders down. His mom took off the heavy head tie and went to her room to change.

Leonard sat with his dad in the sitting room to have a father and son talk.

"Look son, battles like what you are experiencing now is what makes you a man. Trials will come, even after the marriage. What count is how you handle it."

"Dad, Sarah have suffered a lot in this life. I want to give her a home and my love..."

"That's is what you are doing my son. Trust in the lord with all your heart, and see him make the way."

Leonard let out a deep breath and stared at his dad.

"Did you face anything like this in your time?"

His father nodded and held his hands.

"Your mother is from a very wealthy family in our town. Her father wanted her to marry one of his rich friends son. I was only a son of a catchiest."

He smiled and looked away.

"He made it clear to me that I was only surviving on charity. He wanted the best for his daughter but her heart was stolen by me. Thank God for your grandmother, may God bless her soul. She helped us through everything and we are where we are now. God used her mother. So, don't worry we are here for you okay." His dad said slapping his back.

Leo smiled and nodded. He watched his dad till he walked to his room. Leonard imagined how though it must have been for him back then with his mom before they had him. He sighed and comb his hair with his fingers before going to his room.

How is Sarah doing now?

He thought as he admire her picture on his phone screen.

After struggling for a while he decided to call her. He dialed for the tenth time and decided to call Patricia. Leo was pleased to know that Sarah was doing okay but wished to still hear from her directly. He took his father's advise to pray about it.

Sarah had been so distant and quite towards everyone, especially Leonard. Nothing Patricia said seem to cheer her up. Leonard kept visiting and decided to give her some space but sends her messages everyday. The wall of silence was closing up on their sweet love.

"Sarah dear, are you giving up without a fight? I know you to be a warrior. Please get up and fight with me."

Patricia said sitting closer to her on the bed.
"Have you forgotten what the bible says in the book of Romans 8:35? It says and I quote; "who then, can separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble do it, hardship or persecution or hunger or poverty or danger or death?"

Sarah wiped her face with her hands to stop the hot tears streaming her face but it came flooding.

"Look honey, if you read verse 39, the answer is just there. "There is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord."

Patricia pulled Sarah closer to her side and dried her tears with her white t-shirt.

"Shshshshsh hush now, I'm here. I will always be here Sarah."

"Mummy..... Where are you? This is very painful for me aunt Pat. Why can't aunt Moriah give me out without all this drama. And my dad is not helping me, he always allow her to control his life!"

Sarah finally said and weep some more.

Patricia felt so bad for Sarah and decided to call George for help.

After a lot of talk with him on the phone, she decided to reach an agreement with him. He promised to help to talk with his mother to make things easier for their next visit. Patricia was aware of George's plans but still agreed to met with him.

She approached the guest house and met George taking a bottle of beer. He got up and pulled a chair for her as soon as she walked to his table. Patricia observed him for a while and saw a different person in him. She couldn't say what it was but he was different to her.

"Pat! Hey! What's wrong?" He tapped her on the lap.

"Forgive me, I have a lot on my mind right now George."

"I can imagine."

She watched him holding up the bottle to his mouth.

"Thank you for seeing me. I really don't know what to do any more George."

"Common, there's nothing in this world that can't be fixed you know. Besides, you are  a very prayerful lady. I believe you have been praying about this so here I am."

He said with his arms parted with a shrug.

"What do you mean George?"

"I will call uncle James and inform him to prepare for Leonard's family and that's all."

"Really? You will do that?"

"Of course girl! Anything for you." He moved closer to her making her feel uncomfortable.

She moved back and tried to get up but he held her back.

"Look princess, gone are those days  that I do bad things. I met someone who said the only way to her heart was doing the right thing. So I will help you right now."

He brought out his Samsung iPhone and called his uncle, they joked and laughed then talked seriously before hanging up.

"Done! Just set the date and I will inform him. Tell Sarah to talk with him too. Advice her to accept every thing he says just for everything to go well for her okay?"

"Okay George."

"I hope I will be invited to the wedding too." He said and winked his eyes.

Patricia smiled and stood up to leave.

"Thank you so much George, I really appreciate what you are doing right now."

"Any time baby, anytime."

He walked her to the gate after he ordered an uber for her.

"You take care"

"Thanks again"

He waved as he shut the door of the taxi after her.

Patricia couldn't wait to see Sarah's face when she gives her the good news.

God can actually use anybody to solve anything. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord.

Patricia thought and smiled.


I'm so sorry for the late update. Thanks for the reads and votes.

I celebrate you🙏

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