Chapter Seven

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Becky is now used to life in Lagos. She pays monthly rent to Jane for the little room she gave her. It may be little but more comfortable than her old house. Every day she remind herself that "a home is better than a house.

A lot has changed in her life but she long to see her children. She drinks to forget her mistakes of abandoning her children but it never helps.

Sometimes she falls sick causing Jane to take care of her. And the business demands their presence.

"Becky, I told you many times to stop drinking but you won't listen"

"Why? It makes me happy"

"But it's affecting our business! Last night Alhaji was seriously asking for you. He took his friends to another bar when the girls told him you were not feeling well."

"I'm traveling this weekend Jane. I need to check on the kids."

"What? Are you listening to yourself right now? What about Alhaji?"

"Jane, you have your son with you right? I need to know how my kids are doing" she slapped her thighs and stood up from the bed.

"Well, do whatever you want. You can go back to that good for nothing James if you want." Jane said leaving the room.

Rebecca traveled that weekend. When she got to her house, the neighbours were too surprise to see her. She has changed completely. Her hair, clothes and skin. The women gathered around her asking her questions of her whereabout.

"Mummy Sarah, how are the children doing?"

One of the women finally asked.

"Yes tell us, I've been trying to get in touch with your husband but ...."

"Wait Aunty Faith, are the kids not back from vacation yet?"

"What vacation? Your children are no longer staying here. From what my husband told me, the boys are in the village and Sarah in the Federal capital."

Rebecca was already coughing the water offered to her by one of the women.

"You mean to say that.... Never mind I will go to them now. The thing is that I traveled for an important job in Lagos, I'm on leave so I came to check on them"

"Oh hard working woman good job, after a while you will take your family with you."

She stood up to leave before she says something that will destroy the good memories of her family in the compound.

Becky found a cheap hotel and lodged for the night. She went over the items she bought for the kids. It's the first time she actually bought them nice clothes and shoes. They have always lived on charity from the parish office of saint Vincent the Poor.

She had some couple of beer and went to sleep.

Becky took the first bus to the village. When she smelled the roasted yam and pepper stew, she remembered eating them back then. Her heart leaped when she sighted her mother.

"Greetings mama"


They embraced each other like a child who waited for her mom to return from the market.

Becky settled in and sat close to her mom who looks unhappy.

"Mama, I tried but I couldn't stay in that marriage"

She said holding her mother's hands.

" What about the children Becky? Did you think of them in that plan of yours?"

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